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Thanks for your answers :)


(...) (some of which containted adult content).


just wondering : what kind of adult content did you saw in the popup ? I'm fed up about some free services (in this case a counter or maybe my redirected url) that add adults popup :mad: This is not a notice against you, just want to know what kind of ads appears on my sites...


I don't edit in Kids an Teens but when I went to your site I get random popops in French --- Casinos, Loan Financing, eBay, travle, DVD rental.


I also get directed to a chat room :confused:


If its' random, no idea what kind of innappopriate ad will pop up next.


:( Wow... I didn't know that... in fact I usually don't go to my sites when they are online :( I got to do something against those ads...


btw, thanks to lufiaguy : I just notice my other site (Rugrats) still got his old URL... I click on the change link button :) Now waiting for my sites to be listed :p

  • 4 weeks later...

sorry for bumping this thread but I was wondering if an editor checked my site again ? Do I need to submit it elsewhere ?


btw, there are far less popups on my sites now ! :D


Sorry, I didn't saw the new site submission status guidelines... :(


In fact I was just wondering if my submission has been moved to "kids & teens" to "art"... sorry again.

  • Editall/Catmv
We are having problems in Kids_and_Teens/Entertainment/ in that there are a lot of sites waiting to be reviewed - you will need to be patient with us. :)
  • 4 weeks later...
There is no point in submitting it to any K&T categories unless something has been done about the problem(s) that caused us to move the submission from K&T to the Arts branch in the first place.

The popup problem has been solved. (there is only one popup using http://www.allgrownup.com02.com or none using http://superyo.webheberg.com/agu/index-e.html ) That's why I thought it was moved again to be reviewed in the K&T directory... Moreover, I read lufiaguy's message and he was talking about the problems in Kids_and_Teens/Entertainment... Sorry, I didn't understand you... :(


May I ask for a new review of http://superyo.webheberg.com/agu/index-e.html in http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Entertainment/Animation/Cartoons/Rugrats/All_Grown_Up ? :confused: Thanks :)


If the problem is fixed, you can submit the site yourself. Just use the Suggest Url link like you did last time. There is no need for us to send it back from the Arts subcategory. The site could possibly be listed in both places.


We regard Kids and Teens as separate directory with its own special rules, so a listing there does not preclude a listing in the regular directory, and a listing in Arts doesn't mean that you can't have one in K&T as well.


I hate to say it, but you better submit http://www.allgrownup.com02.com - despite its pop-up. http://superyo.webheberg.com/agu/index-e.html is only a mirror, and we don't list mirrors.


Ok, thanks :) I'll try to submit my site again to K&T :)


(...)I hate to say it' date=' but you better submit http://www.allgrownup.com02.com - despite its pop-up. [url']http://superyo.webheberg.com/agu/index-e.html[/url"] is only a mirror, and we don't list mirrors.


What do you mean ? :confused: http://superyo.webheberg.com/agu/index-e.html is the real URL, http://www.allgrownup.com02.com is only a redirection to that URL... Anyway, http://www.allgrownup.com02.com is better for me as well :)




Yes, you should submit the real url. I was too hasty on that one.


And it's the url that's better for kids too! :)

  • 2 weeks later...
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