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How can I submit to ODP?

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I tried to submit my site 3 times on monthly intervals to ODP but haven't been accepted yet. I don't think my site contains any illegal or inappropriate materials and the webpage design is professional. Anyone can advise me on how to get ODP editors to accept my site?
It would help if you told us what category you submitted to and how long ago you submitted. Some categories don't have editors and it might take some extra time for a higher level editor to reach the category that you submited to.

Just a note based on what you wrote - we don't use webpage design as a criterion for acceptance of sites. If a site contains useful information, which, as you say, isn't illegal, then eventually it will get listed.


I can understand your frustration, though - because of the shortage of editors, in some areas of the directory we have sites which have been around for a lot longer than yours - it's not a situation any of us are proud of, but we are all volunteers and have limited time - we're doing what we can with the time we have.


Have you considered helping out and becoming an editor yourself? :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif


Thank you all for your reply. I submitted my site last year three times (once per month) to the following categories:


Top: Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Consumer Products: Furniture: Outdoor (twice)

Top: Business: Industries: Import and Export: Furniture (once)


but haven't heard anything from ODP yet. I don't know if it's against the forum rule to post my URL here. If it is allowed, then I'll give my URL for you to help me figure out what's wrong with my site.

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Both categories, especially the second, have a large back log of sites waiting to be reviewed. Both are fairly small categories on their own though. Have you considered applying for one of them? Although the first currently has an editor, there is nothing to say it can't have two, however, the second category you mentioned is in serious need of a dedicated editor.
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