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Hello from France,

I've tried to put my website in dmoz database in a good category with a simple description but i'm still not in the database for 1 year.

I've submitted it 5 times !


Can you help me ?


A submission awaits editorial review in that category.


Please do not submit again, as it won't make things happen any faster. :-)



I am afraid patience is all that we can ask as there is no other way to speed up the process. As the site has been received there is no need to resubmit because it will merely overwrite the one that is already awaiting to be reviewed and thus serve no purpose. Also when a site is resubmitted the 'submission' date that the editor will see will be for the last time you submitted so, should that particular editor choose to review sites based on date, you could be delaying the review.
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J'ai déplacé ce fil dans le forum francophone puisque vous avez proposé ce site dans une catégorie francophone. Comme vous l'a dit bobrat, il est en attente d'évaluation. Il ne fait l'objet d'aucun ostracisme, mais le délai entre la date de votre proposition et celle où un éditeur l'évaluera est extrêmement variable et peut être assez long. Il est totalement impossible de l'estimer. Vous pourrez redemander où en sont les choses dans un mois en réutilisant ce fil.



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