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This site is awaiting review in the category you mention. It is also awaiting review in the equivalent category in French.


Please note that is the site is listed, we will be using the root url in both cases.



  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Yapuka,


Is the site reviewing on the right track ?

Don't hesitate to let me know if there is anythinkg wrong in the site, I can make modification very quickly.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Yapuka,


Hope you are not too busy with all submissions you receive :)

I've asked to be part of DMOZ in this category, I could help you then but I haven't had any reply...


So is is possble to know approximately when I should expect the site listed in the directory ? because I'm checking everyday ...and I'm feeling discouraged now :(


Hope to hear from you soon,


Thank you,


  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for your reply Arubin (even if it’s not the response I was expecting :sad: ).


I've just have a question. Do you think it is normal that 6 months after the submission the site is still awaiting for reviewing? I mean is it the same case in the other categories ?

I agree that the guys have lot of work but I'm wondering if it will be added one day. Don't be offended, but I think that the list of web sites in my category has not changed since the time I've submitted mine.... so you understand why I am pessimist.

I don’t know how much categories the dedicated person is responsible but it look like this category is not very checked…

It’s dangerous for me to critic your work regarding my site submission but I really want to let you or someone from the team to know my though, I’m sincerely wondering what happen and as this site is related to business I imagine bad things.

Hope that you will reassure me.

(Hope also my English is not too bad…)





Hello team,

Forget my last question, there is no point to ask this.

My question now is how much I must wait before asking you the status ?

At the begining it is six months, but after this period what are the rules ?

Thank you,


I've just have a question. Do you think it is normal that 6 months after the submission the site is still awaiting for reviewing? I mean is it the same case in the other categories ?


It differs wildly by category -- which is a factor of editor availability, editor interest, volume of submissions, and amount of directory abuse in a given category.


We tell people that a site can be reviewed in as little as a few hours, or more than two years. We don't do this to be snide, or mean, but because we really want to be truthful. We honestly do not know when a given category will next be visited by an editor, nor do we have any way of knowing what a given editor will do when they do visit the category.


It is not even similar within major branches of the tree. Shopping has notorious backlogs -- but some cats are very up to date because there is an enthusiastic editor who cares about that particular subcategory (and has the time to translate that enthusiasm into action). Similarly, large parts of Regional are kept really up-to-date, but some parts have a lot of backlog. And since or models says that editors can editor whereever and whenever they wish, bounded only by their "permissions" there is really no way we can guess, any more than one could guess how many pigeons will be in a given park at a given hour of a given day.


As to how long one has to wait for the next update, that answer is pretty straightforward and can be given with a great deal of accuracy: after the initial status check, all future checks are spaced six months apart. The important thing to recognize is that status checks and editor reviews are unrelated activities -- one does not denend upon the other.


Your English is infinitely better than any attempt I could make in your mother tongue.

  • 1 month later...

Hi team,


Spectregunner, I appreciate alot your answer and your honesty.

When I see the enthusiasm you had in your reply, I'm wondering about the editor dedicated to my site:

if for example he decided to stop reviewing sites because he gets fed up of computers, he became father, or he decides to make a world tour, or just because he reviews one site each month... I could understand as he has no obligation, he is not paid for this job. So in that case the time for reviewing could even take more than 2 years, maybe four ..? who knows?

So is it possible to know how many people are dedicated to the category that my website will be in ? and if they are active ?


Thanks a lot guys!


  • 4 weeks later...



I have two questions:


1. Could you please confirm that http://www.agencearagon.com is submitted on the two followinf categories:

- http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/R%c3%a9gional/Europe/France/R%c3%a9gions/Provence-Alpes-C%c3%b4te_d%27Azur/Alpes-Maritimes/Villes_et_villages/Nice/Commerce_et_%c3%a9conomie/Immobilier/

- http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Regions/Provence-Alpes-Cote_d%27Azur/Alpes-Maritimes/Localities/Nice/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/


2. Once accepted, will it appear on these two categories or is there a different person that review for each of these categories ?


Thank you,


  • 2 months later...



Is is possible to know which title and and description we have submitted, for each language ?

Because I did it a long time ago, and I'm not sure that what I wrote is good. :confused:


Thank you very much.


  • Meta


Is is possible to know which title and and description we have submitted, for each language ?

Because I did it a long time ago, and I'm not sure that what I wrote is good. :confused:


Thank you very much.


That doesn't matter. If the title and description are not good we will rewrite them according to our guidelines.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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