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  • 2 months later...
  • Meta

Nothing so far: still waiting for editor review.


You can bump this thread and get another status in six months, if you don't see it listed by then.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • Meta

You don't need to keep repeating that you have heard nothing. We know that: that's what everybody always hears, because that's how we always respond to suggestions. (Suggestions are for us to act on or not, but not requests for communication -- which we wouldn't do.)


But please do invest in a calendar and use it.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Editall/Catmv

I see no change in status in your suggestion.


You may ask again in another 6 months (technically, that means 6 months from "now", rather than 6 months from your last question, but I think I was fairly fast this time.)


Just some insight please


No new sites have been submitted to this category since I submitted mine, 9 months ago. Is there a big backlog in this category? Is anyone really looking at these the submitted sites? From all the complaints on the board it would seem that things get done in a haphazard way. Is there any sequence to getting a site looked at? Is it 1st in 1st out or do the editors just pick from a hat? Maybe the whole DMOZ concept needs to be looked at. It appears to be broken. I am not looking for a fight here, just some insight as to what goes on. Try looking at this from the side of a person trying to get a site submitted.





  • Editall/Catmv

Look at the bottom of the page:

Last update: 8:17 PT, Sunday, December 19, 2004
Not that it means much, but it's more recent than your submission.


Our FAQs cover the editor working process -- basically, any editor who can edit there (in addition to listed editors in categories above that one, there are over 100 editalls and above who can edit anywhere in the directory), may edit there as much or as little as they choose.


Proper use of the wayback machine ( http://www.archive.org ?) will show that a site was added to the category in July.

DMOZ is only broke if you think it is a commercial listing service. Since it isn't in any way shape or form a listing service, commercial or otherwise, the comment is invalid. Other organisations such as Yahoo have a different concept more along the lines you appear to want. There is a place for both, there is no point in us trying to do what they do, it is a totally different setup and mission, theirs being to make a profit. Pay them a visit, give them some cash, and they will give you a customer rep with a job description and a salary, and they will review your site within a specified period and list it if it meets their criteria. That is what they are paid to do. DMOZ editors on the other hand do not exist to review sites suggested by webmasters, we merely accept the suggestions as one possible source of material for our project. Thanks, we'll get around to it at our own pace.
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