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Who would i contact about getting mozdex.com listed in one of the search engines to search from dmoz using?


I see altavista, and other engines that now use yahoo indexes are still there. It would be nice to link to our open source search engine :) afterall we named ourselves after the mozilla projects!







We only discuss Open Directory Project affairs here. Other webmaster forums such as http://www.cre8asiteforums.com/ or http://www.ihelpyouservices.com/forums/ might be able to offer more general advice about becoming listed in Yahoo and Altavista etc.


If you want to be listed in ODP, just go to the appropriate category and submit your URL.


Since you are basing your system on ODP data, had you thought of making sure that you comply with our license?



You have at least one broken link - Terms of Use. And I'm not sure why it does not find all the sites the I looked for. I tried a number of sites in ODP, and not all of them turn up, when searcning on the ODP title.

I think the original question was trying to have this search engine added to the bottom of DMOZ.org pages along with the others appearing in the "Search on" section
I re-read the original question several times, and managed to make it have three completely different meanings, so I refrained from joining in at that point.
I think the original question was trying to have this search engine added to the bottom of DMOZ.org pages along with the others appearing in the "Search on" section

This was my understanding of this question as well.


As was stated above, contact staff@dmoz.org


Yes, that is correct. How do i go about getting listed with the search agents in the bottom of the pages on dmoz.org :) You know when your browsing the categories or doing a search you get the "try your search on these engines"


And i'm also curious as to the submission status, but i'll just let that go until an editor catches and imports it.


As for sites not showing up, email me or PM me some examples. I'm workking on integrating alot of the google api into the query parser over the next few days so you should be able to run "site: mydomain.com" and stuff like that shortly to get a list if the domain is indexed or not.



Can I just ask a quick question. Your site mentions that it is 'seeded' by ODP Data on http://www.mozdex.com/about.html


Can I enquire 'how' it is seeded? Do you download a copy of our data from http://rdf.dmoz.org and modify it? Do you use a spider to index http://dmoz.org ? Do you obtain the data from another source and where?


In other words how does the dmoz data get from dmoz to your index?


Downloaded the rdf file and then stuffed that into the db as links to index. Using the open source Nutch & Lucene system - this is just normal functionality :)

The only reason I was asking is because we have a category that is specifically for users who display our data however any editor reviewing the site would, like me when I looked, fail to see where the ODP data actually is. Is there any data in its original form or was it merely used as a way to harvest links?
It is not exact ODP data - I did random searches and it tends to pull pages other than the main page. I personally feel the dmoz.org attribution page they have there is perfect attribution for a site like this. However, that is just my opinion.

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