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Thank you.


The last submission for that URL occurred today. We ask that submitters wait at least 30 days before requesting a status update. Please feel to come back in a month or more and ask again.

  • 1 month later...
The site is in the unreviewed portion of that category, awaiting editorial review. If you don't see it listed before then, please feel free to return in six months for a status update.

I am sorry, but I am unclear on "If you don't see it listed before then ...".


Before when ?


Also, it seems like thie editor is ignoring all the requests for this listings for last year.


Would you suggest submitting to an alternative category?






My apologies for being unclear. I meant that if you don't see the site listed some time in the next six months, you should come back on or after 10 December and ask for a status update.


None of the many editors who edit in that category are purposefully ignorning the requests there: they have just decided to spend their time editing elsewhere. Please do not resubmit your site elsewhere. Additional submissions will be deleted as duplicates.


Is there any chance to get in touch with the editor of this category?

I tried to contact her thr the ODP, but no response !





Most editors will not get into a dialogue with submitters and will not respond to emails, since they don't want the annoyance. This is the general advice given to all editors, since communication with submitters in many cases has proven to be a problem.

I can prefectly understand such rule, however despite the fact that the site I am submitting prefectly matches the directory content, it's never been included - for over 1.5 years tries...

It seems like this category is dead at the moment, as editor is no longer considering the sites for inclusion there.


I would liek to request the alternative editor to review the site.


Thanks in advance,


I would liek to request the alternative editor to review the site.


I understand how you feel, but there are many hundreds of thousands of other site owners who have the same feelings about their site suggestions.


Please understand, that ODP provides no guarantee if and when sites will be reviewed. ODP puts no pressure on any editor to review sites with any priority, all editors work on their own schedule.


Attempts by site owners to pressure editors by email might be considered as spam, and could be considered as grounds for not including your site.


Your should read the information in http://resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?


Especially http://resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?faq=odp#faq_how_long

  • 9 months later...
  • Editall/Catmv

I see no change in status of your suggestion.


You may ask again in another 6 months, if you so choose.

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