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In nearly every case, there is nothing you need to change. Either the site's primary purpose is to present unique content, in which case it can be considered for listing, or it has some primary purpose that really doesn't interest us -- and that's fine with us, it's your site and your purpose and we won't tell you to change it.


The third possibility: site's primary purpose is to present unique content AND the webmaster has unique content that isn't on the site AND the ODP editor knows what that is -- when you think about it, that's not really very likely, is it? And you can eliminate the possibility by simply following the submittal guidelines: "finish your site", put up all your unique content, before submitting. All we can do is assume you've followed those directions -- that is, we can only assume the third option is NOT possible.

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  • 6 months later...

The suggestion still waits review there by an editor.


grammer [sic"] or punctuation errors on my website that is keeping it from being listed

As far as grammar and punctuation... if those are so offensive to an editor as to not list a site, they should not be so much as to delete the suggestion unless they are so bad as to make the content unintelligible. If it's such a concern I would suggest having someone review your site regardless of an ODP listing, if only for site usability.

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