esemji Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 Deep Links Hi members , other then main domain ( e.g ), the sub domains or html link pages can list in ODP? regds esemji
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted May 13, 2004 Editall/Catmv Posted May 13, 2004 It is almost always improper for such listings (we call them deeplinks) to be suggested by submitters. Editors can list deeplinks at their own discretion.
esemji Posted May 13, 2004 Author Posted May 13, 2004 Deep Links Dear sir:star: , Would you please visit the following category Top: Regional: Asia: India: Maharashtra: Maps and Views it has got two deeplink listings 1- The similar deeplinks of is listed in many categories in Maps & view, could you pl explain thanx and rgds esemji
thehelper Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 We do not have to explain anything about any of the sites we list. That is not the purpose of this forum. If they are listed then apparently an editor thought it a resource. If you suspect abuse then please report it using our public abuse report system. Thanks.
esemji Posted May 13, 2004 Author Posted May 13, 2004 Deep links Hi, the purpose was to apply for this category and it is very difficult to find the suitable urls for listing, wanted to have the expert advice only. Thanx and rgds esemji
spectregunner Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 Well, I think you were clearly told the policy: we do not welcome the submission of deep links.
Alucard Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 Editor app vs Submissions There is a difference between submitting and editing. We ask submitters not to do it - it is purely at the discretion of the editors. if you are looking to apply to become an editor of a category, and are thinking about using deeplinks, then you need to read the ODP guidelines very very carefully about what sort of deeplinks are considered to be ok. The answers you have been given up to this point were assuming that you were a submitters, not a prospective editor. If you are struggling to find too many site examples for that category, then you might want to reconsider whether this is the best category for you - how about finding one that has a lot more potential for building and that you are familiar with?
esemji Posted May 13, 2004 Author Posted May 13, 2004 Deep Links Hi :moz: , Thank you for your valuable advice. rgds esemji
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