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Resubmit to Different Category if Ignored?

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I have a site that I am listing for a client.


I have found two categories that it fits well into.


The category that I would prefer to submit it to, has no editor (though the category above it has an editor). The second choice category has an editor.


What I would like to do, is submit the site to the preferred category. If it doesn't get reviewed in a couple of weeks, I would email the editor of the category above. If it doesn't get in after a reasonable period of time, then I want to assume I am being ignored or have been declined and I would then like to resubmit to my second choice category.


Am I risking getting this submission "stuck" in the queue of the preferred category by submitting to the preferred category (which has no editor)? If I take the course of action above, will the editor of the second choice category review the submission? Or will he not review it if it is sitting unreviewed in the queue for another category?


Please submit your site once, to the category in which it best fits (not necessarily the category where you most want to be listed). Submitting multiple times, or to multiple categories, just slows down the process for everyone.


If, after a reasonable amount of time (and two weeks is very short), your site is not listed, you can check on its status by posting in the Site Submission Status Forum.


Also, having an editor in a category is no guarantee that action will be taken quickly, just as having no editor is not a guarantee of a long wait. Remember that different categories get different numbers of submissions and different volunteer editors have different amounts of time to spend on the ODP. Also remember that many editors in levels above the category, as well as editall and meta editors, can edit in a given category, so not having a listed editor doesn't mean that the category is being ignored.

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