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I submitted www.copd-duoneb.com to ODP 3/29/02 and 5/20/02 to the category http://dmoz.org/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Respiratory_Conditions/Chronic_Obstructive_Pulmonary_Disease/


I also contacted the editor of Health: Conditions and Diseases on 7/9/02 to ask about status. The editor was kind enough to forward my submission to a more appropriate category: Business/Industries/Healthcare/Products_and_Services.


Unfortunately, the site has still not been included in the directory. Any idea why? Your help is appreciated!


Please provide clickable URL paths to the category you are enquirying about (in this case: http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/ ).


Your site is awaiting review in that category - unfortently, the unreviewed queue it extremely backlogged at the moment (over 1,000 sites! <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> ). If you can find a more specific sub-category for your site, please let us know so we can move it down to there (which may speed up the review time of your site).


It's when you see categories like that that remind you that we really need more editors that are knowledgable about _anything_...

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