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unreviewed queue

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Guest webdude

Is there a way to view the unreviewed queue for a given category? Also, how long does it take (on average) to get a site reviewed -- sorry, I am new to this and just want to get it right.




>> Is there a way to view the unreviewed queue for a given category? <<




>> Also, how long does it take (on average) to get a site reviewed <<


Anything from 5 minutes to quite-a-large-number-of-months. It all depends on a whole host of factors, but category unreviewed queues are a bit like stocks and shares "past performance is not an indication of future results... queues may go up and down".


The best thing to do, is to follow the advice available on the ODP, ensure your site complies with our guidelines, and submit your site to the MOST APPROPRIATE category (if your site is about 'bourbon biscuits', submit to 'Food/Snacks/Biscuits/Bourbon' and NOT to 'Food/Snacks' or 'Food/Snacks/Biscuits') - ideally with a good, honest description, the correct non-cloaked URL and then just wait.


If your site then hasn't been listed after a month or two, then please feel free to post in the 'Site Submission Status' forum with your site's URL in the 'Subject header' and a clickable category path to the category you submitted to (just cut'n'paste the URL bar so you get http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom etc ).



* Submit your site to lots of categories

* Submit your site to categories "just because they have a listed editor"

* Ask for a submission status within a month of submitting (it just wastes time)

* Submit mirrors, doorways, or 'hidden URLs' to your site.


Hope it helps!




The unreviewed queue can only be viewed by editors who have editing privileges in that category. Non-editors can't view them.


It's hard to give an average review time. One might calculate it, but what would it mean? There are many categories with active editors where you'll probably get listed within a week or less, and there are totally backlogged areas of the directory where you might have to wait for months.


If you want to know the status of a submission, you may ask in the Submission Status subforum. But please wait four weeks after submitting before doing this. If everyone asked after three days, we would have to answer these requests all the time instead of editing ...




Guest webdude

Thank you. The site was just submitted last week and of course I am anxious to see if I posted it in the correct category. I will wait for a minimum of a month to see if it gets listed.


One more thing if you please...


I may have accidentally submitted the site twice in the same category. Will I be penalized for doing this? It was a mistake on my part and I don't want to upset the editor (or anyone else for that matter).




Twice is an accident, three times is foolish, four starts to look suspicious, but we don't ring the spam alert bell till we get to twenty or so.


Don't worry, no one gets penalised for making one simple mistake.

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