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What is wrong with our site, can it be improved?

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I was reading in WebProNews, OPD is a good place to get advice on what is wrong or what can be improved in our website technically. url http://www.myprintonline.com thanks for the help! Let me know how I can return the favor!
Huh? What advice were you given? We don't use these forums to critique sites.

Welcome to this Forum print1 <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


As you can see from the Forum name, this is the ODP Public Forum, sponsored and moderated by ODP editors. This forum is here to provide an additional channel of communications between the general public and the Open Directory Project editing community, where advice on site submissions and placement, becoming an editor and other information about the Open Directory Project can be dispensed.


Whereas you can find among the members of this Forum some very knowledgeable people who may be able to answer your question, this is therefore not the right place to get advice on what is wrong or what can be improved in websites technically.


You may want to visit other Boards, for example WebMasterWorld, where you will find very good advice on the topics you mentioned, and feel free to come back to this Forum anytime when you will have an ODP-related question.

Ettore, can I just point out that it is against WebmasterWorld's TOS to give site reviews (although there are many other forums that do give reviews). This is to avoid URL-dropping and site specifics. Instead, discussions are based around the ideas behind the specifics (normally using the concept of "widgets").



Reading my post I admit somebody might understand it as if I was suggesting to ask for a site review at WMW. Actually, it wasn't my intention.


As I said, WMW is a great place to find good advice on how to build/optimize/improve a website, sticking to the local TOS, of course, for what concerns how to ask such questions (disclaimer: sure there are lots of other great places, but being my answer given to a non-ODP related question, I claim the right to express my personal opinion <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )


OTOH, sure this forum is not the right place for anything that's not strictly ODP-related. This said, I believe that showing people the right place where to ask, even when it's not our business to answer such questions here, is just a matter of courtesy.


>> discussions are based around the ideas behind the specifics


Or better, discussions at WMW are based around ideas and specifics, without mentioning specific sites.

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