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Can one site have multiple entries in DMOZ?

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We have one of our sites listed in DMOZ, but there are other sections of the site (virtually sites in their own right) that I believe would justify having a separate entry in DMOZ.


From what I have read, this practice is acceptable. Is that correct?


We have www.domain-here.co.uk listed currently

but would like to add






both in different categories. The site is large and each section consists of several hundred pages - all the content is unique, and each section has unique content.


I have seen other sites with more than one listing, but just wanted to know about how I should go about it.


Thanks again,




Instead of starting a new thread with a similar question, I thought I'd just add my query here...


I submitted http://topsites.gidhelp.com/ (but unsuccessfully); which is clearly something else from the main site (i.e. http://gidhelp.com) which is listed already on dmoz.org under: Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Guides/.


I still don't know if it was due to the fact that the main site was already listed or if I had submitted the subdomain and service to the wrong category.


I will appreciate your comments.

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Rejected. IMO, there isn't sufficient content for it to be listed, even if it were considered a different site from the main domain.


So I'm not going to do what I'd planned, which was to ask why anyone would have ever considered it a different site.

I am glad I got that cleared up.. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  • 3 weeks later...

Another thing, the site is listed under that very topical directory site at the moment http://www.to~~~ directory

- mmmmm, it's a wonder DMOZ editors even consider content from there.

I could imagine the whole thing might be blacklisted by now, and be getting PR0 levels right across the search engines...so they should! I say...

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