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status of http://www.realtime-advantage.com

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This site was first submitted almost a year ago, and I have been checking on a fairly regular basis (say once every month or so), and have re-submitted it a number of times.



The DMOZ category I have applied to is http://dmoz.org/Society/Law/Services/Court_Reporters/

If it is not being listed for some reason, please advise so that I may correct any deficiencies, and re-submit.


Thank you for your time.




CyberNet Solutions


We have no record of your site being rejected for listing in the past and the site is currently displaying a "last submitted" date of "10/November/2002 20:02:17 GMT". A word of advice: the "default" setting used by editors to look at the unreviewed queue is "oldest first" and resubmissions "over-write" your old ones. Therefore, if an editor hasn't changed their settings and you re-submit, you MAY push your site to the "back" of the queue.


There are currently between 150 and 200 sites awaiting review in that category. If your site hasn't been reviewed in say, a month to two months, please come back to THIS thread and ask for another status update. DO NOT: start a new thread about the same site and DO NOT ask every week/every other week (as this just removes editors from editing).


Hope it helps!


Thanks for the info, ...


Now I'm wishing I had not kept re-submitting it over the past year ... <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

Oh well, too late now.


So what happens in the case of that particular category not having an editor? Will it sit indefinitely until an editor takes on that category? or do other senior? editors randomly look at categories that do not have an editor to review the ones that are building quite a backlog of sites sitting in the queue to be reviewed?



Thanks again for the info.



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>do other senior? editors randomly look at categories that do not have an editor to review the ones that are building quite a backlog of sites sitting in the queue to be reviewed?



  • 2 months later...
  • Editall/Catmv

Re: status update? http://www.realtime-advantage.c


That category has a fair amount of backlog, as do most of the Society/Law categories. Perhaps you would consider applying to become an editor to help with the backlog? That particular category is probably too big for a new editor, although you could try. Otherwise, perhaps you could find another smaller category of interest to start in. After you have gained enough editing experience, you could apply to the category in question.


If you choose to apply, be sure to disclose you affiliation with the site.


Thanks! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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