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Dear Sir,

I submitted the website www.sita.aero in April to be placed under category Transportation & Logistics to replace www.sita.com currently under categorywww.sita.com. (We changed domain name to .aero)

We are a not-for-profit organisation providing IT, application and network services to the air transport and transportation communities and\not gettting any listing under dmoz or google so any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

  • Meta

The sita.com URL is still functioning, and there is no indication on it that the name has changed, or is about to change.


So long as that is the case, an editor would not consider changing the listing. This policy is for the webmaster's protection.


The .com domain is just there for usability purposes, our main domain is .aero which we are official IANA sponsors.

The official migration took place 31 March the information is available on www.sita.aero. As we are official champions of the new domain, its very important that we promote .aero through example which we need your help. Confirmation of our IANA sponsorship is located here and more information is provided on www.information.aero.

  • Meta

You don't understand. When we receive an "update URL" suggestion, we will look at the OLD listing. Not the new listing. Not the domain registration information (we know how accurate that is, wink wink).


Now that you know our procedures, you can take the necessary steps, which need not entail any contact with editors. We're telling you the same thing we tell everyone: make sure the old site redirects or points or refreshes to the new site. A "301 permanent redirect" is ideal, as that will be caught by our robotic link checker, but it is not necessary.


All that is necessary is to put the information you told us on the OLD website. Not all of it, of course -- we don't care how important it is to you, we don't care who sponsors the site. Just the simple fact that the site is moving (or has moved) and the new URL, is all that is required.

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