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My site: http://www.limogesforyou.com has been listed in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Gifts/Personalized/China,_Porcelain,_and_Glass/ for a few years. This is a very appropriate category for the site and at the time I do not think the Limoges and Miniature Boxes category existed. I think at this time that my site would be better categorized under the Limoges and Miniature boxes category since that is the only type of porcelain contained on the site:




I have made submissions and questions through the dmoz forms. I am writing here to learn of the status.


Thank you very much for your help.


Best wishes,

Kathy Cox, owner



I can't give an opionion, since I don;t know the areas, but I do see that in April, an editor removed a submission to that category.


If you want to change the category, you would be better off doing an update for the site, rather than making a new submission. A new submission will not be looked at the same way as a change request.


Updating a listing



Thank you for your quick reply.


When the editor removed a submission from the category as you mentioned in the earlier post, does that mean that http://www.limogesforyou.com was rejected by the editor of the Limoges/other box category?


I think I submitted an update to the listing requesting a category change previously. Is requesting a change useful, if the editor rejected the listing? Since I have had my legitimate business listing has been in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Gifts/Personalized/China,_Porcelain,_and_Glass/ for sometime, I don't want to lose the listing.


If this is a case of a rejection from the Limoges/other box category- Are reasons for rejections documented? Can rejections be appealed?


Thanks again for your help,



What would have happened is that the editor would have rejected the listing because you were already listed - the editor thought you were looking for a second listing and refused.


Doing the update explicitly says that you want to be moved and is something completely different.


No it was just deleted from the unreviewed Antiques_a...iniature_Boxes since it was already listed in the other category.


Speaking for myself, I get a lot of duplicate submissions in a category when the site is already listed in that category or another category. I believe a lot of people think that you need to keep submitting to search engines and directories to ensure the site stays listed or want to get lsited in multiple categoires. I don't spend a lot of time looking at these submissions, but generally delete them. I some cases the site owner gnerates enough submissions that I treat them as spam, and delete instantly.


If however, someone does an update, and asks to be moved to another categroy and explains why, then I would take the time to see whehter the request was justified, and then move it.


Your site was originally published on 27/Jan/2002 Unfortunately, since then you have submitted several times to several different categories, and have built up a trail notes of being delted since you are already listed. Therfore additional submisions are likely to be deleted without a second thought, thats why I suggest an update.


I don't have access to the category to tell you if an update request is pending.


Allow me to clarify:


Your site remains listed in Shopping/Gifts/Personalized/China,_Porcelain,_and_Glass/


What was deleted was one of your continuing submissions. Since your site's original listing, nine additional submissions have had to be dealt with. Your ongoing pattern of submissions to additional categories is beginning to take on the appearance of directory spam.


Please do not submit to any additional categories,


Thanks for your help.


Thank you both for looking at the record and advising me of the situation. I certainly didn't mean to spam, but now realize that the update listing was the only way to go.


Best wishes,


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