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When it will be possible to see the given site in the catalogue?

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Please keep all questions in one thread -->> [url"]http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17019[/url]


As you can see the previous post did not correspond to rules. :(

This post (which you read) corresponds to rules. :)

Unfortunately I cannot remove a superfluous post - there are no rights. :rolleyes:




And still, when it will be possible to see our site in the catalogue? :confused:


Thanx! :D

  • Meta

A site shows up in the directory when


* an editor has decided to review it

* the review results in the editor deciding to add the site to the directory

* a few days have passed to give the public servers time to update from the editor server.


This is a GENERAL rule that applies to all submitted sites. For all questions about your SPECIFIC site, please use your previous thread that bobrat linked to. Please use that thread for questions about both categories you have submitted to, and please wait at least one month after you last submitted your site. Thank you.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
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