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Quote from the editor application page: '... Your application is an indication of the kind of editor you will be. An poorly written application with spelling and grammatical errors...'' AN poorly written ...? It should be A. Oxford Engish Dic 'a form of a, used before an initial vowel and sometimes before an initial h'. Ah, it also contains a footnote: 'grammatical correctness does not apply to search directories.' /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
Good. You passed the first test /images/icons/smile.gif

Hi ettore, was waiting for that. But given the good will and effort on your team's behalf, I'll study the requirements criteria for editorship and apply for a post. Hope all the tests are that straight-forward. /images/icons/wink.gif


On a serious note, I was considering this anyway but I didn't want to add more ammo to the feathering-own-nest diatribes. Now I don't need to worry.


Best wishes to all.

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