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I submitted my site sometime ago into a relevant category. It appears there and I can update it from there, but if I ask for it on the Directory Homepage it says I am not there. I am totally confused about this. If I appear in the category then surely I am in the Directory. Any help appreciated as I've got a headache with this. Thanks. Carole
Well Carole, we'd love to help, but without knowing which URL your'e asking about and a clickable link to the category where you say it is, we can't.
I'm not sure what the problem you're having is--your site is definitely listed in that category and a search on dmoz.org for either "fidgetyfingers.co.uk" or "Fidgety Fingers" brings it up. In fact, a search for either "fidgetyfingers.co.uk" or "Fidgety Fingers" on http://directory.google.com/ also brings it up. *scratches head in confusion*

Thanks. You must have woken something up! It's there now! Thanks for the help. Does this directory listing apply to dmoz.com as well? Does applying a link to my homepage make any difference to my listing position?


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