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I thought you might like to know that you have two sites in the same category that are operated by the same company. Please go here:




"Genius Papers" (http://www.geniuspapers.com) has a page with the URL of https://www.snrinfo.com/geniuspapers/ . "MegaEssays" (http://www.megaessays.com) has a page with the URL of http://www.snrinfo.com/megaessays/ , which is indexed in Google (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.snrinfo.com%2Fmegaessays%2F&btnG=Google+Search). Both of these sites are connected to the same company, although for "MegaEssays" they have tried their best to fool ODP editors by changing the URLs that are accessible directly from MegaEssays.com itself. What they forgot about is the page that is still accessible through a Google search:




I know that you do not allow duplicate listings of the same or similar content by the same company in the same category, so at least one of them should be removed. From what I've been able to ascertain, "MegaEssays" is older, which makes it the original provider. However, in my humble opinion, both sites should be removed because this company purposely tried to fool you by changing URLs at MegaEssays.com so that you wouldn't discover a connection between the 2 sites that they have listed at http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Academic_Papers/Fee_Based/


I hope this information is helpful, and I've done my good deed for the day.


Since a have a little extra time on my hands, and I despise sites that promote academic fraud, I'm providing new info about the deceptive, manipulative indexing practices of "CheatHouse" (http://www.cheathouse.com), which is located in http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Academic_Papers/Fee_Based/


The specific evidence below provides a few examples of the company's THOUSANDS of cloaking, redirect, and SPAM violations that are cluttering Google's search results and negatively impacting user experience. After nearly 2 years of preparatory studies in pursuit of my Ph.D., I am absolutely sick-and-tired of sifting through this deceptive company's THOUSANDS of cloaked pages, redirected pages, doorway pages, SPAM, and unusable content every time I need to conduct academic research for my doctoral dissertation. After reviewing my evidence below, I am certain that you will agree that this is an egregious case, and deem it appropriate to immediately remove the purposely deceptive Web site (http://www.cheathouse.com) from your index. (If time permits, I'll research the violations of other sites, as well.)




To start, the following page yields 142,000 results in Google:



The sheer volume of their manipulated search results in Google enables them to have undeserved reach to millions of surfers:



This company's purposely deceptive and manipulative actions clearly violate several of Google's/ODP's "Webmaster Guidelines" (Quality Guidelines - Basic principles) on the following page:



a. "Make pages for users, not for search engines. Don't deceive your users, or present different content to search engines than you display to users."

b. "Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings."

c. "Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank."


The violations are substantial and widespread, which negatively affects both Google's/ODP's reputation of relevancy and surfers' ability to find unique, directly-linked, uncloaked, SPAM-free content.







Please go here:



As you can see on this search results page, this manipulative company uses several different techniques to intentionally violate Google's Quality Guidelines in order to gain more customers and higher PageRank:


1. Cloaking

For example, the following cached page results in different content than what is actually shown to the human surfer:

The human surfer, however, is directed to THIS page:



2. Redirect / Doorway pages

For example, http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/11284-a-discussion-into-the-nature-and-functio.html first takes surfers to the doorway page, but then immediately redirects them to http://www.cheathouse.com/essay/essay_view.php?p_essay_id=11284


3. Spam

For example, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=+site%3Awww.cheathouse.com+cheathouse++11284 has 2 links to the same paper that show the exact same content, but only if a HUMAN surfer goes to them:




4. Unusable Content

Please go to the following cached page in Google:

Now, you will see that the first thing that the deceptive company states on the page is "Note! The sentences in this essay are shuffled, making this essay unusable. If you want to read the essay in it's original and proper state, <http://www.cheathouse.com/essay/essay_view.php/p_essay_id/11284>click here."





Here are a few more links that all give the same results as above:















Thanks, it will take some time to go though this, but note that we cannot do anything about what Google does. However I believe Google has a way of reporting abuse - where sites attempt to bias the results by questionable methods.
  • Meta

I'm sorry but we can only hanlde matters related to ODP.

We are not Google and are in no way related to them.

You should submit this complaint to Google.

If this site is in violation of our rules we are willing to investigate.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

I'm sorry but we can only hanlde matters related to ODP.

We are not Google and are in no way related to them.

You should submit this complaint to Google.

If this site is in violation of our rules we are willing to investigate.


Oh, sorry. I thought that the ODP/Google guidelines were one in the same. My mistake. However, the site does violate the following ODP guidelines:


* Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory.

* Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.

* Sites that are incomplete, contain "Under Construction" notices, or contain broken graphics or links aren't good candidates for the directory.


Plus, as far as I know, egregious SPAMming and certain other, inappropriate techniques are "universal" violations for all directories. Anyway, just my two cents on how to improve user experience. Every edit helps.

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