HO Alts Rick Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 I have submitted it about 4months ago but its still not showing up. Has it been block for some reason? Can I resubit without being blocked or something? How long does it normally take?
spectregunner Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 We can't even begin to ponder your plethora of inquiries until such time as you follow the foum guidelines and provide us with a clickable link to the ODP category where you made yoiur submission.
HO Alts Rick Posted June 16, 2004 Author Posted June 16, 2004 I realy don't know. We were working with a local web design company that told us they had taken care of it . They also told us many other things had been that hadn't.
spectregunner Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 Well, it turns out that it was submitted more than once (which is usually a bad thing, but in this case it worked out well for you) and in March one of the duplicate submissions was cleaned out of Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Electrical and a copy was left for future review. Reusing this thread, you may come back for a follow-up on or after December 16
HO Alts Rick Posted June 16, 2004 Author Posted June 16, 2004 You are awesome. Thanks!!!!!!Any idea how soon it will show up?
Meta nea Posted June 16, 2004 Meta Posted June 16, 2004 The future review spectregunner mentioned could take place as I am typing this, or it could happen in 2006. The most likely scenario is somewhere in between - but we have no way of knowing. It depends on when a volunteer editor decides to review sites in that particular category. Patience is recommended Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
HO Alts Rick Posted February 9, 2005 Author Posted February 9, 2005 Ok Any idea why we still are not listed?
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted February 9, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted February 9, 2005 No idea.... If you're asking for a status report, that report is that there is no change in status since your last report.
HO Alts Rick Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 It has been over a year at this point. Should I resubmit it?? Does it normally take this long? Anything I can do to speed up the proccess?Please help.
spectregunner Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 No, do not resubmit. Resubmitting helps nothign and can actually delay things. Remember the Ronco info-commercial with Ron Popiel hawking his Showtime Electric Rotissary? Every time he stick something in the unit he has the audience gleefully should "Set It and Forget It." Same concept applies here. There is nothing you can do to help beyond what you have done -- submitting it to a reasonably accurate category. Wha tyou can and should do is to be unfaithful to us: seek out and find as many other diretories and search engines that accept submissions and do your thing with us. We don't mind, really we don't, and on that magic day when an editor does look at your site and hits the "List 'em Dan-O" button -- you be one very surprised and happy camper.
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted February 11, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted February 11, 2005 You should not resubmit, unless another editor tells you your suggestion has mysteriously disappeared. (Don't laugh. It's happened, sometimes without any detectable Editor action.) One year is not uncommon. As for what you can do to speed up the process -- not much. You can report dead websites in the category you suggested to (or in other categories). You can apply to be an editor, in that category (but be very carefull not to give your site a "better" description than the others in the category, and be sure to report your affiliation with the site) or another category (and still be sure to report your affiliation with the site). Other than that, there's not much you can do.
HO Alts Rick Posted February 16, 2005 Author Posted February 16, 2005 Thanks for the info. Does begging do any good speeding things up? Just kidding
bobrat Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Sorry it doesn't help [the person who ends up reviewing your site is almost certain nor to see this message anyway] - but the is good
HO Alts Rick Posted March 14, 2005 Author Posted March 14, 2005 It's been another month. Any ideas???
Meta hutcheson Posted March 14, 2005 Meta Posted March 14, 2005 At dmoz.org -- no, you've done what you can, and what is needed. Here -- check back in five months for a status, if that information will help you.
HO Alts Rick Posted March 17, 2005 Author Posted March 17, 2005 Another 5 months? It's been over a year now. I am not sure that you guys understand how important this can be to a small bussiness. It can be the difference between hiring more people and shuting down. Is there ANYTHING I can do?
spectregunner Posted March 17, 2005 Posted March 17, 2005 We do understand, we really do. The cold hard facts of the matter are that it could be years before an editor gets to it. For that you can blame the spammers who consume massive quantities of volunteer time and effort. This is why we encourage you to continue to seek other methods of promoting your website. There are thousands of directories that do not take a feed from us, and who allow or encourage submissions. Our directory is full of them!! Promote your business as if we did not exist (there are those who fervently wish we did not, and others who gleefully predict our demise) then when and if you do get listed, it will be a pleasant surprise. There is simply no way to jump to the head of the line that does not entail massive amounts of downside risk. The only consolation is that the law of averages works both ways. Even as I am typing this someone could be listing it. While the six month rule applies to status checks (some webmasters are cheekly enough that they would ask hourly if they could), you always have the option of bookmarking the category and regularly checking it. This way the six-month follow up is less important. Hope this helps, even though the help you are looking for is a fast listing.
bobrat Posted March 17, 2005 Posted March 17, 2005 I am not sure that you guys understand how important this can be to a small bussiness.I hate to tell you this, but if your business depends on an ODP listing, then you are destined for failure. First, because it may never happen, or may happen a year or two from now. Second, because an ODP listing will not make enough difference to be the deciding point between success or failure. I know where you are coming from. I also at one point was convinced that an ODP listing would make a difference. I put my site [for online book sales] up. I submitted to all the search engines, I submitted to ODP, I checked obsessively, daily, hoping to be listed. I found out about RZ, I checked on RZ. I decided to become an editor to list my site. I applied for a different category, and worked to get ODP experience, I wondered why no one was reviewing my site. After a month of being an editor, I caught on to what ODP really was [not a service to list sites] and started getting more patience. Four month later, my sites was listed [by another editor] It's two years later. My site gets 20,000 hits a month - almost none of which comes from the ODP listing. I make about $20.00 a month from the web site sales. I make more money from the Adsense on the site. By the time I pay for hosting, I make about .50 per month profit. My business model for that site is obviously flawed and the ODP listing will never help me. ------- I have another site for my consulting services, it's been listed in ODP for years. I get almost no traffic from ODP. Last year it made zero money for me. The year before maybe $3000. I have a another site for my consulting services - I can't put it in ODP, since it's the same content as the other site, and I cannot have two sites listed for the same business. So it will never be listed in ODP. Last year that site made me $25,000 from new clients, the year before it made $40,000. An ODP listing is not the key to success.
HO Alts Rick Posted March 24, 2005 Author Posted March 24, 2005 Our site jumps back and forth from page one to page two. Our sales double when we are on page one. I beleive the listing will keep us on page one.
Meta nea Posted March 30, 2005 Meta Posted March 30, 2005 Our site jumps back and forth from page one to page two. Our sales double when we are on page one. I beleive the listing will keep us on page one. I don't think you're referring to dmoz.org here, so it's impossible for us to comment on that. Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
HO Alts Rick Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 Our parent company has a website also. When I listed it the ranking jumped from page 6 to page 1. They were submitted on the same day. I beleive that this site should also see an increase after it gets listed and our site gets crawled. Is this correct?
spectregunner Posted March 31, 2005 Posted March 31, 2005 Rick, we really don't get involved in that. We are building a directory and really don't care, on a day-to-day basis, how our directory impacts or influences any search engine. We could not do our job if that were the case.
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted May 17, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted May 17, 2005 Help, it's May 17th 2005"A day like all days, full of events that illuminate our time." (Sorry) I gave you status in post #8. You need to wait 6 months from then before requesting status again.
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