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It has been quite a long time since I saw a category with so much spam in unreviewed *sigh* ...


Ok, ok - back to topic: Your listing is awaiting review with about 100 mostly totally misplaced others. When sorting by submission date its quite near the top.



Just deleted some very obvious spam so other editors might wonder about me complaining about spam there ;-)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



I would not think a category like this would contain spam!!

Unfortently - it does (it may be because it is a 'third level' category, or it could just be that some submitters lack 'real intelligence'). IIRC, around a year ago when I was in 'that neck of the woods', there was a h--ll of a lot of spam: it doesn't look like it's changed much.


Sorry! But your site will be reviewed in due course, and if it wasn't for those pesky spammers it might have been listed by now...

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