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I've tried adding my web site two times (with a month in-between) to categories which have no editor - nor do I remember the exact category it was. I don't want to get penalized for over-submissions, but when I feel there is nobody there to even look at my web site then what is this submission process for? I'm listed well everywhere but DMOZ and can only assume it's for the lack of an editor. I know, you are going to suggest that I become an editor. Well, apparently a master's degree just wasn't good enough for those who reviewed my application. Sure I made the application at the same time I submitted my site to a category with no editor - so I get a penalty for that? I wouldn't ever add my own site unless I got the ok from someone above. My motives were to help but feel that many are rejected from people just wanting to promote their site. I respect DMOZ and the editors, but something really needs to be done. There's quite a discussion going on at webmater world - some positive and some not. I'm not one to judge because i'm looking from the outside, but to those of you that are "in" please get together and make some more positive proof changes. Thank you.
  • Meta

This area is for requests concerning site submissions only - anyway you could read some postings about typical reasons for rejections in the Become an Editr section.


In general: No you dont get a penaly for submitting your own site. You in general get penalties for bad grammar/spelling, submitting entries not compliant to the guidelines, not being honest about your affiliations, sunmiting sites already listed in the category. More in the area I linkes above.


To your submission: We cant say anything about it without knowing the URL and if available the category.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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