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Why hasnt anything happend?


The abuse report key is:




this was my email to dmoz as well




I would like to point out that a firm is editing all categories under the below listing:


[category deleted]


They are only adding their clients.


The company controlling these categories is called [company deleted]


If you look in this category for examle:


[category deleted]


You will see that


[listings deleted]

all have [deleted] at the bottom of the website in this category alone


Then look at the rest of the categories for [the area]


in total there are nearly 1200 websites with [deleted] at the bottom (for showing that [they] developed the website) across the categories with the odd one or two normal sites fitted in to discuise what they are up to.


Instantly a [deleted] client is indexed into a related dmoz category yet other websites have to wait or get deleted completely.


I dont really think its fair that the category should be abused by a two employees of a firm, I believe someone who is fair and unbiased should run this category.



Guest gimmster

Without looking at any abuse report:


In fact you are not correct, they just have the largest number of submissions across the state. There are very few websites of any kind currently waiting unreviewed at the Localities level of [the area].


Why so many? Because they activly market their services, and submit every site they develop.


Very few of the sites they suggest are incomplete, or submitted to the wrong category. In addition most of the sites they suggest have very close to guidelines compliant titles and descriptions. I have deleted some of their suggestions as incomplete, but very few considering the volume of sites they submit. Most require minimal checking for review.


Unlike many submitters they have actually taken the time to work out what types of Titles/Descriptions are acceptable, and suggest them to the correct category in the first place. If everyone did this it would speed reviews for all suggestions.




they specifically promote that they employee staff who control those categories and that all websites created by webfirm will be guarenteed listings in those categories.


All Im asking is that someone looks into it.


Which ever editor added the website: [deleted] is the employee of [deleted] that promote as a DMOZ editor.


If you feel that a website desgin company should promote it self as having its business edge being the editor of [the area] and that this isn't a form of bias or abuse then please correct me.

Which ever editor added the website: [deleted] is the employee of [deleted] that promote as a DMOZ editor.


In order to make that statement with accuracy, you would have to have access to the internal editor logs, or you are making very big and innacurate assumptions about who edits what. I have access to the editor logs, and was able to see who added/edited the [deleted] sites.


If in fact an editor gave out that information to you,then he would be violating the editor rules. Someone who does that is not trustworthy.


As far as any of those [deleted] sites making promises about getting an ODP listing for thir clients, I fail to find such claims. If you can be specific, send a me a Private Message, with the URL of the page.


My information comes from actually being involved with the company directly.


I'm making this report so that editors such as your selfs can examine the logs to find out who is responsible as my guesses to which editors that are exactly are merely guesses.


If you could look at who edited sites such as search logic you will find the webfirm employees.

  • Meta
Your abuse report has been received and is being investigated. We never give out any details or results of abuse investigations, even to the people who file the report; this is a matter of directory integrity.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

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