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Site Status for http://www.cocaberrymusic.com/

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Where is my site located in the queue? Is it going to be reviewed soon? Do I get an email if it is accepted or denied for the directory?





  • Meta
Where is my site located in the queue? Is it going to be reviewed soon? Do I get an email if it is accepted or denied for the directory?


1. There is no queue, just a bunch of submissions, often referred to as the "submissions pool". For each category, there are a couple of hundred editors who can access that particular submissions pool, and when they call up the list of unreviewed sites they can sort it in several different ways - and more likely than not won't start at the top and work their way through the list towards the bottom anyway, regardless of whether they sort it alphabetically or in some other way.


2. Please see our FAQ. We can never guess when any individual submitted site will be reviewed.


3. No, that is extremely unlikely. If you haven't seen it listed in six months' time, you are welcome back to this same thread (you may want to bookmark it for future reference) and ask for status again, after Jan 2, 2005.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
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