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Please read the [thread=396]forum guidelines[/thread] before posting here. We need a clickable link to the dmoz.org category into which the site was submitted.



Could you please let me know what the status is of the Dutch Diagnostics listing to the following DMOZ directory: http://dmoz.org/Business/Biotechnology_and_Pharmaceuticals/Pharmaceuticals/Manufacturers/


Marcel, I'm not sure if you are the editor of http://dmoz.org/Science/Biology/Products_and_Services/Reagents_and_Kits/Antibodies/ but this seems to be a more suited directory. Please excuse me for submitting to the "wrong" directory. It's not easy finding the right directory if you are involved in the diverse field of diagnostics... :D


The category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Netherlands/Business_and_Economy/Biotechnology_and_Pharmaceuticals/ is for sites in English. The site http://www.bee-sure.nl/ is in Dutch; so there's a perfectly simple, "formal" reason why the site can't be listed in the category to which it was submitted! ;)


However, in its current state, the site will not be listed in the Dutch part of the directory either. The reason can be summarized as "insufficient original content" --the key thing ODP looks for.


I do have some good news, though: you can submit the site http://www.dutch-diagnostics.com/ to the category I mentioned above if you haven't done so already. :)


No, I'm not an editor of that Antibodies category; but if that is the one best category for the site, it should eventually be moved there by an editor working in that area of the directory.


If you get a reply from another editor telling you that the site is currently "waiting" in one of the queues, there is, alas, nothing you can do but wait (in that case, there is no point in submitting again).


If you are told it is not currently waiting in any queue, feel free to submit it in the one best topical category; one month after you have done so, you can inquire in this thread (bookmark it if necessary) to see if it has been received.


Hope this helps!




Thanks for the quick reply




Thanks for your quick and foundated reply. The site bee-sure is "dormant". If we will focus on this, I will make it a more interesting site and will submit it to the DUTCH category.


I'm not sure if I've posted the url to the http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Netherlands/Business_and_Economy/Biotechnology_and_Pharmaceuticals/ directory, so could you please let me know if it is submitted? Again, this directory would (also) fit our core business, as would http://dmoz.org/Science/Biology/Products_and_Services/Reagents_and_Kits/Antibodies/ If you would, please advise me what to do now and I will stop bothering you :)


I am not an editor in the two categories you mention, so unfortunately I don't have enough information to answer your question (that's what I meant by "If you get a reply from another editor...").


I can tell you that the site had also been submitted to http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/ and http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/, and it has been deleted there; however, if it had been submitted multiple times, that could mean that only the duplicate submissions have been deleted (one submission could still be waiting for review).


Again, I don't have enough information to give you a definitive answer; I hope another editor with sufficient privileges will help out here!

  • Meta

dutch-diagnostics is waiting for review in http://dmoz.org/Science/Biology/Products_and_Services/Reagents_and_Kits/Antibodies/ . and in http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/Research_and_Diagnostic_Reagents/ .


It is not waiting in http://dmoz.org/Business/Biotechnology_and_Pharmaceuticals/Pharmaceuticals/Manufacturers/ nor in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Netherlands/Business_and_Economy/Biotechnology_and_Pharmaceuticals/ .


Sorry to keep you waiting, it took a wee while to dig through the piles of unreviewed :)


You're welcome back on or after Dec 23, if you haven't seen the site listed by then. Thanks!

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea



Thanks for your reply. Does this mean that eventually the site can be listed in the 2 mentioned directories or does the responsible editor will place it in the most appropriate one?

It simply means that the site is in the identified submission pools awaiting review by a qualified editor. That editor will determine if the site is listable, and if it is in the correct category.
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...





Perhaps I wasn't to clear but I'm not an editor of Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/ My earlier "reply to my own post" was just to let an editor of any of the main healthcare categories know what happened with the submission. It was listed in one of "my" categories but as the editor of Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/Research_and_Diagnostic_Reagents/ I became aware it would be better off in Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/


Furthermore it didn't seem appropriate, at least at that time, for me to review one of my own sites and to have it accepted. After all I was just beginning my adventures of DMOZ editing.....


So I moved the site from my unreviewed list to the laboratory category with the status "move to unreviewed". Since I have no means to look at the unreviewed queue or notes of the laboratory cat I just wondered if I could get an update on the status (is it still in the unreviewed queue, was it moved to another cat etc).



Rob :smile:




Added to Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Diagnostic/Laboratory/Research_and_Diagnostic_Reagents


Since the emphesis is on reagents, it was added to the above mentioned cat.

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