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Submission Status Please ( http://www.gidasproducts.com/ )

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Greetings all, I wonder if you would be so kind as to check the status of my submission to the open directory project.


URL: http://www.gidasproducts.com

Section: http://dmoz.org/Business/International_Business_and_Trade/Import_and_Export/


I have entered it into that specific catagory, as the company that the website represents offers a Import and Export service between South-East-Asia and Western Europe, in addition to manufacturing glass in South-East-Asia, I hope that it is in the correct section.


Thankyou in advance, and I appreciate the time you take administering the open directory.




half a year ago


greetings all,

about half a year ago, I submitted various sites. At least I tried to.

The submission page was working for more than thirty minutes to no avail.

the pages are:

1.) http://www.evven.org




and for my last one I didn´t even dare to try it:


Are you experimenting technical problems?

best regards



Re the last post here, this is actually someone else's thread about their site, so please start a new thread for your questions, but before you do anything else::>>


[readme]Please read the guidelines[/readme]

  • 4 weeks later...
You're still a day or two early. If would be best if you could bump it again on or after the 28th. Due to the volume of requests in this forum, we ca'n't be sure that we'll remember it when the 28th comes. Thanks.

Hooray !!!


It's the 28th and I'm bumping my thread. Thanks for being so patient with me and I hope soon I will be listed lol :D



Though I best bump again, nearing the end of the 28th now and lots of other people seem to have requested submission status too :eek:
  • 2 months later...
  • Editall/Catmv
We changed the wait for secondary status requests from one month to six months back in June. Please don't bump again until January 31.

It's a shame really.


I actually volunteered to edit this particular category (as I have reasonably expert knowledge of the subject matter, and am not altogether illiterate) however I made the mistake of being honest and admitting an affiliation to a site which fitted into it.


Hence the category has no editor (whereas based on the amount of submissions received into it, I imaging I'd leave no-one waiting more than a month without a reply) and dispite my disclosed affiliation I would edit it honestly.


However honesty gets you no-where. I was declined....... It's a shame that more editors who join only to submit their own site, perhaps review a couple more then idle are not declined a position whereas honest people are.

  • Editall/Catmv

You're pushing it....


A number of editors have expertise and websites in the category of their initial edit request.

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