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Editor Sleeping ? Category Not updated? ( http://divineboa.100free.com/ )


:confused: Hi,


May I know the status of my website http://divineboa.100free.com


I have submitted it and yet to be listen. The reason why I post it here is because I think the editor of that category




is not active at all.

The last time it was updated was in March 2004 and now it's July 6. That's almost 4 months. Any idea? Thanks!


1. This is ODP not Google, so I imagine you really wanted to know about this category.


2. The ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread asks that you wait at least a month after your most recent submission before asking here, yet the site was only submitted earlier today. We don't know about an earlier submission if there was one because today's would have overwritten it.


3. This is a volunteer organisation and a particular website is only reviewed when a volunteer volunteers to review it. We don't do target response times or editor compulsion.


4. Feel free to enquire again in 6 months if it hasn't been listed by then.


Status of MTV Asia's Most Influential Artis... ( http://www.divineboa.100free.com/ )




I'm the administrator of Divine BoA International Fans Site. http://www.divineboa.100free.com/

I'm sorry for asking my ques over here as I'm not sure where to ask this question. My questions is .. why is my website not shown on any google search results page when I am listed? If you check my website on google, you can see that it is listed. But when it comes to dipslaying my website on any search results, my fanssite is nowhere to be found.


Submited full URL of divineboa.100free.com

To google on Thursday 17 JUNE 2004


Again on Thursday 24th

Again on Sunday 4th July


My fanssite is also listen on at least 7 other fanssites / websites. can anyone assist me on this? I have been waiting and I think it may be a google bug. Thanks.





This is the Open Directory Project, not Google. Google is merely one of our downstream data users and we aren't able to comment sensibly on what their search engine does or doesn't do.


I can comment on ODP matters though. Your site is awaiting review here. I'm sorry, but we can't predict when that might occur, but by all means ask again in 6 months if it hasn't been listed.

  • 2 weeks later...

How if the editor of that category does not want to update it? If there's no editor active at all (or maybe there isn't any), then will I have to wait for that many months.


Why can't another ediotr of a similiar forum review mine then?

I think I already answered this when I said
This is a volunteer organisation and a particular website is only reviewed when a volunteer volunteers to review it. We don't do target response times or editor compulsion.
  • 1 month later...

3 MONTHS .... Status Of divineboa.100free.com ?




I extremely happy that I was answered promptly last time by the offcials here when I asked on the submission status of http://divineboa.100free.com/


I was told it was on the waiting list of :





Moe than one months passed and I posted here asking if the editor of that category was hibernating or sleeping. But I thought I shalll never questions the integrity of the editor.


3 MONTHS passed......and it is still not updated!


I'm running a uncommercial International Fans Site and I wish to let you know that I do not get any profit. I'm in fact losing out because of this.


Why is it so hard to list my website which is so popular among Asian fans?


Thanks to whom that will be asssitsing me, I love you! :)

  • Meta

I've just merged the three threads you started on this site - please do not start any new threads! Bookmark this one and stick to it in the future, please. :moz:


Our forum rules state that we give status updates every 6 months; you got an update on July 12 so you won't be eligible for another one until January 12. If you haven't seen your site listed in the ODP by then you are welcome back to ask for status.


It's also worth pointing out that this forum does not exist to make reviews happen faster. We'll tell you your status, but reviewing your site because you post here would be unfair. In many areas of the directory, 3 months is a very long time to wait for review, but in most of the directory it is a very short time.


Thank you. :flower:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Thank you very much Nea. I understand that it would not be fair if I get reveiwed now just because I post in here. But I strongly feel that there isn't an editor for that category.


Please understand my true intentions. I started an uncomercial fans site truly for the fans of Asia's most internationall recognised artiste's fans (BoA Fans).


I'm losing out extremely many fans out there that I cater for just because my site never get listed here in OPD and is not getting a real ranking. One day, I may just close shop because I'm doing so hard to place in all the best at my site but I'm hardly getting any visitors because it does not appear on search engine's result index constantly.


It's not fair on my side. I do not want to give my on views on this because I'm afraid I will be wrong. But I have a question. How can an editor hold up the job when he or she is not doing his or her voluntary duty?


As you have asked me, I will continue waiting. But if I'm correct, the editor continue hibernating, my International Fans Site will not be listed at all even after one year. And yes, I can gurantee you by that time my fans site is forced to shut down. I will be off and you will see me posting here anymore :o .


P.S. I know it's not your fault at all and I sincerely appreiate your kind help and dear assistance.


Thank you very much.


As I'm very sure there is abuse within the editorial rights of that category, I wish to further persue the matter. But because a police can nab another corrupted or sleeping police, what can I do?


Let me, the civilian be run down for this. To the police, it's okay for him to sleep. But to the civilian, his safety is in danger.


(To whom it may concern) should know that athough this is a voluntary service it does not mean that a job can be left hanging there. It's very irresposible to just ask one who's a victim to wait for another 6 months.


I will bleed and when my website loosed all of it's blood, it will close shop. May u please pay your last repsect to my website in the coffin. :o :o

  • Editall/Catmv
If you have an abuse complaint, please submit it through the proper channels (which is not here). However, in general, failure to review a site is not abuse.
  • Meta

I'm the creator and the only editor that category has ever had. I'm not hibernating, but I'm not EVER going to be "active" there, because it lies too far outside my interests, knowledge, and priorities.


The site will be reviewed, at some point, by one of the several hundred editors who can edit there -- or by some new editor who is a fan. But if you are expecting a massive influx of new visitors from an ODP listing, you need a reality check.


Ask yourself: would I be willing to run this site if the ODP had never existed?


If the answer is "no", shut it down now and end the misery.


If the answer is "yes", run it and take responsibility for your own website promotion, because the ODP is not going to take that responsibility.


A voluntary police who sleeps for 3 months while retaining the position. Has he abused his rights?


What if in the first place he's or she's a rival that purposely left it on the waiting list? What if he or she sleeps for one whole year?


Can I consider here a virtual life when abuse such as that takes place freely?


If it is in real life, I'm able to take matter to the authorities. Officials (even though their volunteers) may be booted for pure inresposibility that causes a company's collapse.


Please let me know the proper area I can report the abuse. Thank you very much.


(P.S. I'm not subjecting negative remarks onto anyone of you, only the editor of that category. In fact, I really appreciate the dear assisatnce from you guys here)


Dear Hutcheson,


My dear friend. There's nothing more that I can say except to apologise to you sincerely for subjecting some intentional remarks such as "hibernating".


I'm sorry.


I know you have lots of work as a highly ranked volunteer for the ODP. Please allow me to let you know on my new fans site I set up. I will submit it to you.


I just wanna let you know that I paid a huge price for it. I'm running an uncommercial site for the people of the world and I gained nothing form it, no money nothing.


( divineboa.100free.com has been shut down by Asian Music Networks)

  • 1 month later...

Dearest Hutcheson and Editors,


All my previous submissions for almost half a year (divineboa.100free.com) and the other one was not taken in consideration at all because it was said to be "not of any interest of anyeditors". Very well, I have shut down both of them.


Recently, I just started http://www.AsiaFriendsNetwork.com which is affilaited with MTV Asia and Asia New Network.


I submiited it to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Arts_and_Entertainment/

which is the appropriate catgeory and is in interest of any editor that matters.


Is it still not listed. I hope that something will be done because this time its a real huge massive network that needs ur support. (Asia Media (Music) Network)


Thank you very much. I reallly appreaciate ur sincere care.

  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure why the time to wait for review for some other closed down website is relevent to this question so I'll ignore that information.


Your suggestion that we list http://www.asiafriendsnetwork.com has been received and is awaiting review. We can't predict when that might be. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months, please ask again in this same thread.

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