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This site was submitted in March 2004 and still not listed. It took several attempts over several weeks or so to get the application to go through without an error at the final acknowledge confirmation page, so wasn't even sure the request form was processed and resubmitted in May.


Can someone please give me the submission status?


site: http://www.michiganhomesfsbo.com



Category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Michigan/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/


Thank you

  • 6 months later...

Going on a Year and not listed yet


My site was submitted last March (2004) and is still not listed in DMOZ.


Did I do something wrong? Did I offend anyone? If so, I apologize!


I tried resubmitting again about a week ago to try again.


Any ideas on what I can do to get listed? beg? bribe?


Later ones overwrite earlier ones, leaving no trace of the latter in the pool awaiting review.


Is that one still pending or did it get mislaid??
You destroyed it.


It's never productive to resubmit unless an editor asks you to do so.

  • 2 weeks later...

How far behind are these editors?


I know that the ODP editors must be swamped with work, but almost a year to review a site submission does seem a bit excessive.


I could have had a baby during the time my site was first submitted for review!


With the internet changing constantly there must be a more efficient way to process site submissions to ODP.


Do a forum search. Asked and answered 100 times a week! The title of your post and its content are likely to provoke a nasty reaction coming in your direction, you have been warned. Here is my standard response (for the nth time this week)


DMOZ has never been, is not, will never be, a listing service for webmasters. It is not our job, is not any part of our concept, to provide in any way shape or form a listing service for webmasters. If anything we are the anti-Christ of listing services for webmasters. We do not exist so webmasters can send us their sites to review and list so webmasters can promote their sites, increase their Google Page Rank, sell their wares, show off to their friends what brilliant web marketing experts they are.


So what are we?


We are a bunch of unpaid volunteers who spend their spare time working on a project to catalog all the unique content on the Internet that we can find. We search the search engines, we write down URLs from the back of buses, we ask whether our dentist has a website. We trawl through pages of links on personal websites and on other directories.


And we invite members of the public to help us with our little project by sending us their suggestions. It is called the Suggest URL feature. It can be the results of their travels around the Internet, something they have seen on the back of a bus, their dentist's website. Or it can be their own site.


We take all the stuff we have found ourselves, and everything suggested to us by the public, and when we have some spare time we look through it at our own pace, listing some, rejecting others, saving the rest for the next time. If a site is real quality and stands the test of time then we'll get to it some day. In the meantime 2000 more sites are added every day.


There is no more efficient way to achieve our aims within the project's definition, concepts, and we have zero intention of altering them.


site submission - many of us prefer to think of them as site suggestions - submission engenders an expection in the site owner's mind that sites will be reviewed or processed with some kind of priority.


A reading of the forum FAQ might provide you with more insight.


Also an excerpt from http://www.dmoz.org/add.html


We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted. Our goal is to make the directory as useful as possible for our users, not to have the directory include all (or even most) of the sites that could possibly be listed or serve as a promotional tool for the entities listed.


That's our view, it may not be yours and we understand we can't please everyone. There are paid directories- where your site will be processed faster and be guaranteed a listing.


DMOZ Editors


Don't take it personally...


I have no quarrel or complaint with the DMOZ Editors...they must be overworked and are obviously underpaid (since they work for free). However, if a site "suggestion" is not considered in nine months, there must be some room for consideration of another method or protocol to expedite review.


In truth, my site is well ranked in other search engines and listed in many directories, both paid and unpaid listings. My follow-up on my "suggestion" of the URL to DMOZ is an effort to tie up a loose end which has been dangling for months and will no doubt continue to dangle indefinitely.


Not being privy to the inner workings of the DMOZ hierarchy I'm not in a position to recommend another protocol, so it appears that I have no alternative but to wait for review of my suggestion under the existing procedure. Since it has been intimated that the editor of my "suggestion category" will no doubt continue to move my "suggestion" to the bottom of the stack as punishment for my audacity to question his/her efficiency and/or the politics of the ODP.


For what it's worth, I did volunteer to serve as an "unpaid editor" a few years ago, but fell short of the strict standards required to join the ranks of the overworked and sometimes sensitive volunteer DMOZ Editors.


My apologies for referring to my "suggestion" as a "submission". It seems to be a matter of semantics...I believe both "suggestions" and "submissions" can be approved, rejected or ignored.


As it said in post #7 above


You alone bear the resposabilty for moving your submission to the bottom of the stack. The system either automatically deletes the earlier submission, or an editor does - that's what an editor is supposed to do.


Editors are not so petty to punish submitters for what they say in these forums.

However, if a site "suggestion" is not considered in nine months, there must be some room for consideration of another method or protocol to expedite review.

I thought I had answered this. We are not a listing service and editors do not exist to review suggestions. We accept suggestions, and look at them at our own pace alongside all the other material we gather for the task we are engaged in. Therefore nine minutes, nine days, nine months or nine years, it really doesn't matter. To us. The interests of the people making the suggestion are not a factor at any point and don't figure in our mission even just a tiny bit. Sorry.

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