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I many times tried to submit www,adscleaner.com to category



AdsCleaner is really related to this category


First time I tried to submit at september 2003.


What I doing wrong?


Please explain me is it normally that almost year I can't submit http://www.adscleaner.com?


My other sites were sibmitted normally. Problem only with AdsCleaner. I have no ideas why..........

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The site is waiting there for review by an editor. Editors are volunteers, and manage their own time, so we don't know when (or even by whom) any particular site will be reviewed.


The way the ODP works is, suggested sites are made available to editors, not to anyone else. When editors are looking for sites on a particular category, they can look at its suggested sites (or they can look elsewhere.)


A site is actually added to the directory only if an editor reviews and lists it.


Thank you for answer.

But maybe you can advice me what I must done for speeding?

I hope you understand that it is very long time from september 2003.

How I can see mail of editors this category? I see nothing.

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