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The submission has been received and is awaiting review. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 19 January.
  • 5 months later...

Still not there


Hi there,


Just checking back in - ctjts.com is still not there, can you progress this for me ? Thanks alot for your help,




Hi there,


OK, I have resubmitted this under the URL of http://www.ctjt.biz and under :


Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: News and Media: Journalism


Being as this was not going anywhere it seemed the best thing to do.






Then remove it from the list on this one. I'm sorry if I sound blunt but as you can appricate 6 months is along time to wait. I know its not anyones fault and there are alot of sites to approve but I can't wait anymore and would rather take my chances with another category,





  • Editall/Catmv


OK, after looking at the site, http://dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/Communications/Education_and_Training/ seems the only seems the only suitable category, or possibly http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Business_Services/Communications/ The two categories you've submitted it to so far appear hopeless.


Of course, I don't edit in any of those categories, so I could be wrong.




OK, you are the guy in the know so that sounds good to me, what do I need to do to put it into these categories without re-submitting ?





  • Editall/Catmv

I've added notes so that the reviewing editor will be referred to this thread and know my opinions.


I am not the one making the decisiosn, but, according to our guidelines, any further submissions of mirrors of your sites may result in the sites becoming unlistable.

  • Editall/Catmv

That my take on it. It's possible that a senior editor may ask you to resubmit to the correct category, but it's likely that, if you were to do that, in the absence of a senior editor's notes, that your suggestions might be terminated with extreme prejudice.


In any case, do not resubmit any of your mirrors without specific instructions from an editor -- with one possible exception -- if you have a physical location for your training facilities, then your site may also be listed in that locality. I don't know if I'd do it, though, because of my note in the first paragraph.

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