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status of submission familiemorgenroth.de ?

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I posted my submission months ago (tried it some times) and never got an answer of what happend and why our website is not accepted. It's http://www.familiemorgenroth.de an genealogic information website on our family.

Can anybody please post a status information?



It would be very helpful to know the category you submitted to. Without that, I can only say that it was submitted to the category World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Ehe und Familie: Private Familienseiten months ago. This category does not exist any more; the submission was moved to World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Menschen: Persönliche Homepages where it is now waiting for review with more than 1000 other sites. But I think a better category for your site would be World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung: Familiennamen: M. There are about 20 submissions waiting for review.

By the way, there is also a German language forum.


Es wäre sehr hilfreich, zu wissen, in welcher Kategorie die Seite angemeldet wurde. Ohnedies kann ich nur sagen, dass sie vor Monaten in der Kategorie World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Ehe und Familie: Private Familienseiten angemeldet wurde, die nicht mehr existiert. Die Anmeldung wurde nach World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Menschen: Persönliche Homepages verschoben, wo sie nun mit über 1000 weiteren auf Prüfung wartet. Ich glaube aber, dass World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung: Familiennamen: M ein passendere Kategorie für deine Seite wäre. Dort warten etwa 20 Anmeldungen auf Prüfung.

Übrigens gibt es hier auch ein Forum in deutscher Sprache.




Thanks for your reply Robert. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

So far I remember I submitted the URL for both categories (World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Ehe und Familie: "something with family history" | and | World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung: Familiennamen: M) which you mention. I can't remember exactly - to long ago - in summer this year...

If you say there are about 20 submissions waiting for the last one... how long are they waiting? For months? <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />




As your site is available in German only, it only qualifies for a listing somewhere in World: Deutsch.


We don't know when an editor will come to clear up the submissions waiting in the queue for World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung: Familiennamen: M. There seems to be a lack of editors in this part of the directory. It would be good if we would find volunteers to edit in nice small categories like this one. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Well, if there is really some lack of editors I can help on myself. I have some good experience with directories. With yabba.de I drive one since 1995/1998 for searchengines and similar.

http://www.yabba.de/ is a nice site! Probably that's why it has been listed for more than three years in the Open Directory. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> See World: Deutsch: Computer: Internet: Suchen: Suchmaschinenlisten und Verzeichnislisten.


So if you'd like to volunteer for World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung: Familiennamen: M, read our Editorial Guidelines and click here to fill out the application form (in German, of course)! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Schöne Grüße aus Berlin



Thanks for the flowers! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


I tried your link to register to become an editor but there it says there are too much editors/no ones needed or I need to be a person with very special knowledge or it is only build for @-Directories....

What could I do now?


Grüße von der Waterkant <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />



I've received a mail from huggi, who is the editor of World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Familienforschung and a meta editor. He wrote that he'd appreciate new editors in the letter categories - especially for the letters E and M. (And I didn't tell him you're interested in M! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )


So I hope the "become an editor" feature will soon be turned on again in the letter subcategories. In the mean time, you may click on "werde Editor" ("become an editor") in the main Familienforschung category and fill out the application form for that category, stating that you'd like to edit the letter M category in fact. I think it would be a good idea to add a link to this discussion, too.


Yours, Robert


I appreciate that. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Keep me uptodate, please. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />




Did you got any more information on that?




Thanx, I know.... It's me finally. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Again, thank you for your help in here! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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