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submission status ( http://www.amronlimo.com/ )

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Please read the forum guidelines, and provide a clickable link to the dmoz.org category into which the site was submitted.
The submission has been received and is awaiting review. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 22 January.
  • 3 months later...



Hi Again.

I know that you told me to wait untill Jan. The website that I have submited is a Limousine site.

The season here in Vancouver is about to start very soon especialy with trips to Whistler.


If there is any way that my site could be included faster then that I would appreciate it a lot.


Thank you for your consideration.





I think we have thousands of sites selling gifts that absolutely have to be listed by December, thousands of sites selling skis, that need to be listed before the snow melts.


We've had posts in the past from people who have said they can barely afford their hosting fees, and need to be listed in ODP so they can pay their ISP, others whose business will fail unless they get listed in ODP this week, others from sites promoting events that were date related. Some of these reasonalbe requests, some not, but it's not reasonable to ask for preferential treatment in this forum.

  • 2 months later...

status check


Hi again, well today it is finaly the 22 of January, well almost.

I am trying to check the status on my submition.

Thank you for your time.


Guest gimmster

Still waiting, and if reviewed right this second, not listable as the site is currently not displaying most of the images. Better fix that before someone does review it. :)


Guest gimmster

Interesting, they still dont work for me, not even on Mozilla (originally viewed in IE6)


The Golden and Canadian web awards images show, but the others don't (amrontext1.gif) for example - it throws a 403 error when I try to force it to load.




Tried again, different PC, still no problems at all. IE6.029


If it is happening in more than one browser maybe it is a shared security setting?





I had some images under web protect. it is clear now and should work,

Please check it now.

Thank you


They always did show up for me and gimmster is offline at the moment. It isn't necessary though, if you are happy they are working then no problem.

Hi again.

Yes they are working and I am happy about that. when do you think gimmster will be able to review it again and includ my site in the directory

Thank you


Gimmster didn't review the site, he only looked at it and gave you some helpful info. I very much doubt that he will review the site in the future, nor anyone else here at this forum. There are thousands of editors, it could be any one of them. As to when, anytime from the next hour to a couple of years down the line. There really is no way of predicting it, that is the nature of DMOZ. Sorry. And a review does not mean listing - a review could mean listing, it might mean rejecting, again no way to know until it is reviewed.
It is fine, it is waiting, don't resubmit, someone will get around to it sometime! If you don't see it listed before you can ask again in this thread in 6 months time.
Guest gimmster
Yup, working for me now. No idea what caused it, but in case your web protect script was geo checking I'm in Australia.
  • 3 months later...

submission status http://www.amronlimo.com



It is my understanding that i have to wait 6 month at the time. i was just wondering as of how meny 6 month i have to wait. since that page is very small and only contain 15 limousine companies out of meny in Vancouver.


Thank you

  • Meta

We have no idea how long you will have to wait.

Maybe the site will be listed within the next minute, maybe within the next week, month, year, or maybe it will even take longer.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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