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I'm thinking of a new business model for a site, (example name: www.ukshops.co.uk [made up name!!!])


What I will be looking to do is set up E-Commerce stores on a subdomain of the name, eg:




My question is; would the subdomain be accepted into the Dmoz database (in a cycle category), and also the main site www.ukshop.co.uk as well into an E-Commerce design category.


In effect would the store owner (operating in a subdomain) be penalised.


Every subdomain would have totally different (and verifiable) contact information and none of them would be MLM or get rich quick type of things. They would all be "bricks and mortar" businesses...and they would all have a totally different design based on what their business is selling. In effect they would all be different sites, but share a common theme across the software being used to create the site, and all having a subdomain of the main domain name..


Thoughts ? If this would be frowned upon then I would re-think the idea...


Thanks for your time.


What motsa said - no question.


However, inexperienced editors might mistake the bike shop for a deep link and decline it <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" />. This can be rectified later of course, but it's hassle and delay. I'd suggest not taking your proposed approach.

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