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No response ever. That's not what editors do.


No action, yet. It's waiting for review.


No known problem.


You can bump this thread in 6 months for another status check, if you don't see the site listed by then.

  • 7 months later...

Still waiting to hear status of //:GuideToCaribbeanVacations.com.


It's been almost a year since this site was submitted for review. It now has over 2,000 pages of content and still building.

  • Editall/Catmv

I see no change in status in your suggestion. Sorry not to have better news. :(


There are a lot a travel agents masquerading as (multiple) "travel guides", so this category has a lot of inappropriate submissions. Please be patient.


You may ask again in 6 months.


Adding http//:GuideToCaribbeanVacations.com To Dirctory




I don't understand your response.


I have been trying to have my site added to the directory as a regional guide, which it clearly is. I have never been told that there was a problem with the content or previously been accused of being a travel agent.


I am a member of the Society of American Travel Writers and the Chair of the Atlantic Caribbean Chapter. Please look at my personal site, http://www.okeefetravels.com, for verification.


Thank you.


Tim O'Keefe




I don't think arubin was accusing you of anything.


It is just that in categories like this we get an awful lot of suggestions which, after digging around, turn out to be something different then they purport to be. This is not saying that yours is one of those, but just that it is slow going, slogging through the garbage to find the nuggets.


It was an attempt to explain why things don't move very quickly in categories like this, and wasn't intended as a personal attack.


Hope this clarifies.


Thank you both for your prompt responses and clarification. The amount of material you have to wade through must be staggering and overwhelming.


But it is frustrating to be waiting for a year for acceptance in the directory with no end timeline in sight. However, I will contine to add to and improve the site with my fingers crossed.




Tim O'Keefe


Not to lessen your frustration, but there are a lot of categories where the wait time for a review is well in excess of two years, in some it exceeds three years.


you are taking the right approach though: continue to add unique content so that when an editor does review the site they will feel compelled to list your site, and regret that they were unable to get to it sooner.


I am still waiting too


:D I would like someone to check madisonlist.com and see if its listed yet. I listed it in regional travel but its a very large website with lots of stuff besides hotels, so I renamed it The Madisonlist Resource Services Guide.

Thank you ;)


Well? There is a strictly enforced period of 6 months between updates. You were last given an update in February. Though if I were you I would review our guidelines for the types of site specifically prohibited from DMOZ and focus your activities on other forms of promotion for I fear that if the site has been reviewed by August it won't be a decision in your favour. You need to find directories and search engines that don't have the same strict prohibitions as we do - they exist in great quantities believe me! Best of luck. :)


I would like someone to check madisonlist.comand see if its listed yet
We can't check for you until August at the earliest , and then only in the thread already started for that URL, but you can check the category yourself from time to time on the offchance my brief assessment of your site is incorrect.
  • 3 weeks later...
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