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Please let me know the status of http://www.mansoncreek.com


submitted under http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/British_Columbia/Regional_Districts/Bulkley-Nechako/Localities/


It needs to have listed a new locality (Manson Creek B.C. Canada). I have already listed another url in the locality of Fort Saint James which is 180km south of us and I would like to submit another url but first I need the locality of Manson Creek.


Thank you

Victor Dyck

  • Editall/Catmv

To clarify hutcheson's suggestion, I'd submit it to http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/British_Columbia/Localities/M , rather than http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/British_Columbia/Regional_Districts/Bulkley-Nechako/Localities/ . A note in the submission noting that you're requesting a new locality to be created would be appreciated.


At least, that's what I would like in my state. Other editors may differ.




I'm not sure if I understand the difference, but I checked and already resubmitted in the category you suggested. I did not include a note about creating a new locality. Is it to late to do so and how would one do this if it is possible?




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