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submission status http://www.mohawkmedicalmall.com

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It is difficult, bordering on the impossible, for us to check the status without knowing where you submitted.


If you cannot remember, then go ahead and resubmit one more time, bookmark this thread and come back to it in one month for your initial status check.

I think you missed the part where spectregunner asked you to wait a month after resubmission. We'll be happy to check the status of your site a month from now.




Sorry I read it the wrong way.

I thought spectregunner wanted me to resubmit the URL, reply with my new information, and then come back in a month to receive my answer.

I'll be more careful.

Thank you

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Site Submission Status mohawkmedicalmall.com


I was wondering what the status of my site submission was into the dmoz directory.

I am hoping I am doing this correctly. I am not exactly sure what donwiebe meant when he said "bump it up on the 2nd so it doesn't get buried.

I took it as repost before Spet 2nd otherwise it might get buried.

My site is mohawkmedicalmall

The directory I submitted to was

dmoz category


Sorry for any inconvience.


Thank you,

Jim Burke

  • 4 weeks later...
Jim secondary status checks are spaced 6 months apart to allow more time for the volunteers to edit as opposed to answering status checks. You are next eligible for a status check on March 6, if you do not see the site listed before then, please bookmark this thread and ask again at that time. Thank you.
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Site Submission Status Mohawk Medical Mall


Threads merged. Please don't start new ones about the same subject.

I last submitted my site over 8 months ago. My last status request was over 6 months ago. I am wondering what the status of my submission is.

My website is:

Mohawk Medical Mall

I submitted into:

DMOZ Directory


Thank you,

Jim Burke

  • Meta

Please keep all inquiries for the same URL in one thread. Your original thread is located here.



This thread may be merged with the original.

(added: obviously the threads have now been merged-Thanks Jim)





*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




Your suggestion is still awaiting review. We can't predict when that might be. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months from today, please ask again in this same thread.
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