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Greetings, this is my first post to this site and I am grateful to have the oppty. to access such expert advice. I am a web designer who up until now have focused just on developing sites and not SEO. Now, I wish to expand my web design skills and was directed here as a good place to begin getting a site properly identified. Here is what I have:


I just completed a web site called http://www.santarosasmog.com It is a auto repair shop that offers general automotive repairs BUT specializes on smog inspections and certifications. I went to http://www.dmoz.com to begin selecting a category. I did a search for "santa rosa auto repair" and "auto repair santa rosa" and got nothing for either. I was able to somehow navigate to this category:




It seems to be the appropraite category, no?


If it is, then I have this question. In submitting this site, do I just enter the site as http://www.santarosasmog.com OR can I submit a specific page such as http://www.santarosasmog.com/smog.asp? The latter would be preferred as the client wants people who search for smog related searches wishes to be found for the same.


Thanks for any help. I hope I was specific and and brief enough. Look forward to feedback.


Tom Hall

Hey thanks so much. I will finishing dotting my i's and crossing my t's and get it submitted. I appreciate you prompt reply, if only I could get it listed that fast. ;-) Take good care
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