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Another invalid listing is:

  • Lites - A 4.4 BSD Lite based server ("singleserver") and emulation library giving free Unix functionality to/on a Mach microkernel based system.

  • Editall

Regarding #1, the correct URLs are


* The BSDs: Sophisticated, Powerful, and (Mostly) Free - Historical overview of the operating systems. [ExtremeTech] (September 26, 2002)




* ZDNet: Enterprise: BSD to leapfrog Linux? - BSD is gaining ground fast as publicity efforts and Apple's Mac OS X take off. (November 29, 2000)




Updates have been submitted to the category.




Regarding #2


I don't see that listing so it may already have been removed.


Thanks for the input!

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.


500 points to Russell for noticing the errors.

750 points to Callimachus for finding the new pages and submitting update requests.


They now point to the correct pages. :)

  • Editall
The `Lites' listing is just above the Slashdot: BSD one. It gives 404.


All I see immediately preceeding that listing is:





Daily Daemon News - Daily dose of current BSD news on BSD developments and community, often posted by readers. Includes forums to comment on news items.

GreasyDaemon.com: Your Guide to BSD Unix - Description, links and search engine to find information related to BSD Unix: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD.

Slashdot: BSD - BSD section of the popular Slashdot open source news and forum site.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

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