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Dear Sir/madam,

We submitted our site http://www.zeomega.com/products/healthcare for listing under the category Business/Healthcare/Case Management/Software


However, I do not see our site on the list even after several weeks. Can somebody from the open directory project please let me know what the status of this submission is.


Thanks a lot for in advance for any help in this matter!!

  • Meta

We need to know exactly where you submitted it! Site suggestions aren't entered into a central data base, they go straight to the category you suggest them to, so we do need to know the category. There are half a million categories in the ODP so we can't search them manually :)


As dogbows says, the link should start with http://www.dmoz.org , and should lead to the category when it is clicked. Thanks!

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • Meta

Cheers, dogbows :)


Nandini, zeomega.com is waiting for review in Business/Healthcare/Case_Management/Software. If you haven't seen it listed in 6 months' time you may return to this thread (you may want to bookmark it for future reference) on or after Feb 17, for another status report. Thanks!

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea




Thanks to all of you for helping on this. The category our company link has been placed in is correct. Please let me know if there is anything I could do to expedite the review. (I guess the editors are going to review the link etc) I will check back periodically to see if it is updated.


Best Regards,


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