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jrsvbl - status of application to become editor

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Hello. Is there any news about my application to become an editor? Editorname: jrsvbl.






Re: jrsvbl - status of application to become edito


There's no application for jrsvbl in the queue, and no accepted editor with that name either, so that means your app has been rejected. If you'd like to reapply, you might find the advice in the first thread here useful.


For future requests, please mention the category you applied for as well, as that makes things a bit easier for us. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Regards, Hilde


Re: jrsvbl - status of application to become edito


Thank you. Apologies for not giving the group (it was arts\music\concerts&events\classical - still without an editor).





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