TCJ Posted August 12, 2004 Posted August 12, 2004 I want to add to the following directory: I am not sure if I have submitted this already and I do not want to be seen to be an agressive submitter by submitting more than once. Is it possible to get this clarified? - The old site ( has been removed - I tried to update the listing instead of requesting submit (new request) but experienced difficulties. After making Dmoz aware of the problem the site was removed. (Probably standard practice) Your assistance could make this whole thing much more clearer, thanks in advance! Stewart McFarlane
jimnoble Posted August 12, 2004 Posted August 12, 2004 Not awaiting review in that extremely popular category I'm afraid and neither has any editor moved or declined it. I suggest you resubmit it. The website appears to be UK focused. If this is so, submit it to the corresponding UK category - but only when you've fixed the webpage that consists solely of THIS SECTION IS CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON WE APPOLOGISE FOR ANY INCONVIENCE AT THIS TIME. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO THE HOME PAGE
TCJ Posted October 20, 2004 Author Posted October 20, 2004 Status For Hi Jim, I submitted my site to after carefully considering my options and taking into account the comments you made in relation to the UK nature of the site. Stage 2 will see the expansion of the current content and will focuss on VPN and distributed CTI call processing architectures. (This will be of global interest and will fit perfectly in the 'popular' category) For now the site has some great content and is complete for the regional category. Please can you get back to me with a status update as soon as you can? Thanks (in advance) for your effort and assistance, Stewart McFarlane
TCJ Posted October 23, 2004 Author Posted October 23, 2004 Just for the record the original status message included a query about Just to be clear this had not yet been submitted at the time of the initial query. I am just trying to prevent a mistake in thinking that I am requesting information before my 6 month period has expired as this is not quite the case. If this is technically refered to as the same i.e. a query for a site not yet submitted can we make this clearer? If so please can someone provide an update in this post so I know where I stand. I thank you once again for your efforts and cooperation in advance. Regards, Stewart
TCJ Posted January 2, 2005 Author Posted January 2, 2005 I also think that the site is fit for Regards, Stewart
djdeeds Posted January 2, 2005 Posted January 2, 2005 It has been reviewed once and moved to where it waits further review.
TCJ Posted January 17, 2005 Author Posted January 17, 2005 Thanks for the update, is there any idea of ETA?
oneeye Posted January 17, 2005 Posted January 17, 2005 Impossible to say, maybe it will be reviewed tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe 2 years or more - that's the nature of DMOZ I'm afraid. You can check back at 6 monthly intervals to get an update. Thanks.
TCJ Posted January 26, 2005 Author Posted January 26, 2005 No thats good. You have policies, I understand the problems I also understand that in the mean time my site will be getting better and will become more mature in the long run. I thank you for having the time to respond. Its taken about 2 years already anyway, the old site was that was removed when I performed a 301 redirect. I am building a better site now and I have been single handedly hand coding my whole site which is why its taken me about 2 years to get this far. I'm going to convert it to PHP and then make it crawlable anyway - this will give information to my visitors quicker and will make my site more easier to maintain in the long run. I'd hate to think how many days and nights i have spent researching, learning, programing and uploading pages onto my server. I also have had problems with my gramma, some words have been miss-spelt in the early days so I really have come along way. Even if you take another year - take your time. When I am happy my site is complete, i'll come knocking at your door every 6 months;) Until then keep up the good work, If I was allowed to be an editor I'd be helping with your work. Well infact I'd probably be making your job much harder because I am not as educated and gifted as you guys. Spk somepoint in the future and maybe when my site is complete i'd be able to join your team of pros....
TCJ Posted March 13, 2005 Author Posted March 13, 2005 Birthday Present Hi Guys, I am just wondering why the site has not been listed so far. Is this a reflection on my part? Kind Regards, Stewart McFarlane
Meta pvgool Posted March 13, 2005 Meta Posted March 13, 2005 Please read our forum guidelines. You are allowed to ask for status again 6 months after the last status was given. Which was on january 2nd. Soi do not ask before july 2nd. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Meta hutcheson Posted March 13, 2005 Meta Posted March 13, 2005 Think about it this way. The ODP is about building categories, that is, listing sites, not not listing sites. We don't need a reason not to list a site. We need a reason to list a site. 'The reason is "unique content".' But there's more to it than that. An editor has to notice the site when building the category it would go in. Has an editor been building the category? Have all other possible sites been reviewed, and all appropriate ones added? Only if the answer is "yes, yes" does the question even arise. And, of course, you can't answer the latter question without extensive research of your own -- which I presume you haven't done (one in ten thousand submitters, at most, ever does.) But at THAT point, having done that research, you have some reason to worry, and it would be worthwhile asking (within the limits of politeness and policies and all that, of course.) But until then, there's no rational reason for considering that possibility -- except, of course, as you look at your own site with a critical eye to see how it could be more informative. THAT you can always do.
TCJ Posted April 2, 2005 Author Posted April 2, 2005 Think about it this way. We need a reason to list a site. 'The reason is "unique content".' I hear exactly what you are saying however if we get into precise details I have some reservations and this it seems is my only method of contact. I have a large amount of unique content that I would love to add to my site, but I am only one person with one pair of hands. If I add my content to the site and then this unique content gets hijacked by a group of people controlling scipts and manipulating search engine rankings then my unique content becomes mainstream. The big guy or guys at the top earn from all my hard work and commitment. The GOOD NEWS from all this is my site CAN BE improved without adding this unique content but something has to give way. My only concern here is that this will not give you the reason. QUESTION - If I take my site off search engines and password protect it, add the content and then come back to you and give you the access. Will you be able to work around a solution like this? If the answer is 'NO' then it would help me to determine the best approach. I understand your policy but I share in your objective - It is just a shame it could take 10 years to add a site to a category on DMOZ at which point the unique content is probably outdated and considered mainstream. Is there a process I can activate to get around this problem? But there's more to it than that. An editor has to notice the site when building the category it would go in. Has an editor been building the category? Well I would assume someone in DMOZ would have a better handle on the answer to this question! - If I conduct my own research then I am effectively becoming an expert in the category which could be good for both of us. - I will start taking a more hands on 'observation approach' This is a good question you are asking. Have all other possible sites been reviewed, and all appropriate ones added? Are you refering to the time the site was submitted? If so how would you expect me to know the answer to that question? Are you talking in a generic term? (If so it is an impossible question to answer as it will always change) - This is like saying what is the figure of infinite? Please can you clarify what you mean? My only conclusion is that you were highlighting the issues within the questions you raise. For a simpleton like me, that method of education just leaves me even more confused!!! Only if the answer is "yes, yes" does the question even arise. By making something impossible sound like an easy to answer question just gives me a feeling I am not understanding the intention of your question so I would appreciate some clarification. I am assuming I am missing something here as your previous responses were quite educational. You drill down on extensive research of your own -- In subject matter yes, the truth is we are back to paradox land!!! My unique information (possible content) which is located in my head att. does not need research on other websites - THIS IS BECAUSE IT IS UNIQUE LOL I will do some research to see where I can improve the areas I am displaying att. - You are right in your presumtions in that I had not researched, but if your content is trully unique, is there really a need? (one in ten thousand submitters, at most, ever does.) Statistically speaking mmmmmm!!!! I am the most unique person in the world and I am the most common person in the world - don't you just hate statistics sometimes lol - to be honest I am as unique as my content and hear what you are saying - 1 piece of missing jigsaw means no jigsaw Having done that research, you have some reason to worry, and it would be worthwhile asking (within the limits of politeness and policies and all that, of course.) The last statement is the most helpful of your kind words, can I just say at this point I put human emotion aside for one moment and thank you for your update - it has helped me, and has gave me confidence that you also understand I have constraints and it is nice to know you are aware of them. It does not mean my site will get listed but it does mean that you are aware of the constraints - thank you! as you look at your own site with a critical eye to see how it could be more informative. THAT you can always do. Yes this is true, and I then go back to my original question of "at what point do you add my site" and I find the answer to this question somewhere in your last update based on assumtions. There is no answer to that question until I reach it, at least I know that you are in the business of adding good sites. Its a bit of a science but it means that I still have a lot of work to do, I will now make observations of category, current listings and will take it form there. It is impossible for me to comment on other sites awaiting review, it's at this point I fall back to my unique content problem - I only want to protect my hard work! Thank you for your guidence - this hopefully clarifies the situation which is the objective of this forum. Its nice to know its working the way it was intended to work If you can have a think about the unique content and you have ideas on how I can protect myself then I would appreciate you finding some time to reply (bearing in mind the contraints of policy, your time and your willingness etc.) I think it is obvious by now that your methods indicate you are a very clever guy, maybe you have been through this many times before - please feel free to share your thoughts on my 'catch 22' situation. I will in the mean time carry out the work that we both know is outstanding. Regards, Stewart
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted April 4, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted April 4, 2005 In some categories, we accept sites where membership is required to see much of the content -- provided that you supply a username and password in the suggestion to DMOZ. I'm not saying that this is necessarily true of the categories you are interested in, but it might provide a partial solution. But look at it the other way. What prevents you from stripping your site of unique content once we list it, thereby hijacking the benefit of our good name?
Meta hutcheson Posted April 4, 2005 Meta Posted April 4, 2005 In a business category, there is always the unique content -- and basically, there's always only one kind of unique content. And it consists of "who I am and what I'll do for money." That's your business, and nobody can challenge that: nobody else can expound on that theme with your authoritativeness and credibility. It doesn't have to be much, just whatever it is that you do professionally. But that's what we're looking for in a business site for a business category. Anything else is just window dressing.
TCJ Posted April 10, 2005 Author Posted April 10, 2005 What prevents you from stripping your site of unique content once we list it, thereby hijacking the benefit of our good name? Nothing would prevent me from stripping the site of unique content in this instance and for the record I would welcome the chance for someone to prove otherwise. I do agree that if I were to holdback on unique content for the site whilst it remained listed in the DMOZ directory then this would be (and I totally agree here) a direct hijack on the benefits recieved by your good name. I for one would not be involved in any part of that particular exercise, if you were to suggest some sort of solution that would help us overcome the current obsticles then I would be eager to hear any potential proposal. In the interim any progress we make proves to be a step in the right direction. I now believe we are getting a more comprehensive understanding on the true status of which is once again a testiment to this forum and your commitment to your long-term goals. Stewart
TCJ Posted May 3, 2005 Author Posted May 3, 2005 Update Hi Guys/Gals, Just to let you know my own personal goal is to be listed under: I have been working on getting my site to a level that you may consider. Please feel free to look at the site now, and I will drop you a line with a progress report in the near future. Thanks in advance, Stewart MacFarlane
Meta pvgool Posted May 3, 2005 Meta Posted May 3, 2005 Did you understand anything of what we have been writing? You suggested the site. That's OK and that is also all you can do. You got a status report on January 2, 2005 Our guidelines ask you to wait a minimum of 6 months before asking for a status again. Any other postings about your site are totaly futile as posting made at R-Z will never influence the review proces at DMOZ. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
bobrat Posted May 3, 2005 Posted May 3, 2005 The other crucial think you fail to understand is that the editors that post in this forum on a regular basis probably number less than 50. The total number of editors that review sites on a regular basis is in the thousands. That means that the chances of the editor that actually reviews your site ever reading this thread is effectively zero. Personally I would suggest you do nothing to your site in order to improve it's chances of getting listed in ODP. Make the site the way it needs to be for it's own sake, and if it gets listed in ODP, there may be a slight bonus, but there is no point in compromising your site's structure and content for the overrated benefits of getting an ODP listing. I have client sites that are getting great traffic, and some of them I just never got around to suggesting to ODP, since I don't really think it will make a difference to either the clients or the users of the directory.
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