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Submission Status: www.frontpagehowto.com

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I think I've been trying to get this site listed for over a year now with no joy:




Here's the category:




I see that you have to go all the way up to "Internet" to find an editor. Long ago, I even applied to be an editor in the FrontPage category. Never heard anything back on that one.


Thanks for your help!

  • Meta

Your site has been moved from Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Tutorials to Computers/Software/Internet/Authoring/HTML/WYSIWYG_Editors/Microsoft_FrontPage where it is still waiting evaluation.


I do not have access to the queue, so this is the extent of the information I am able to give at this time. It is, however, still "in the works".


Thanks for the response!


Does your information indicate when I submitted the site?

Guest wkallander
Looks to me like it should be available in a day or so.
Dang. Someone else beat me to it. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Would it be any consolation if you knew that yours wasn't the oldest submission in the queue for that cat?
That's great news! Thanks guys and happy holidays!
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