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My page, MiraclePoint, appeared in MSN Search from fall 2002, (upon acceptance by dmoz), till fall 2003. Could be found by keying in the word "miracles". Page always showed among the top 14 spots. Now, can't locate it anywhere. Have emailed MSN Search 4 times. Last they said, 6 mos ago, was they were sending the problem to their 'special investigations unit'. Is dmoz no longer associated with MSN Search? http://miracles.port5.com
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We have never been associated with MSN search.

If MSN wants to use our data they are free to do so as long as they follow our rules.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

Is dmoz no longer associated with MSN Search?


We don't really have any association with any search sites as such. What we do however is create a directory and make that information available for download for others to utilise within their sites/search facilities etc. How they use/incorporate that data once downloaded by them is really up to them as long as they comply with the license.


How they use it to produce results is not anything that we get involved with or have knowledge of or influence over.


All I can say for definate is that the URL http://miracles.port5.com/ is listed within http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/New_Age/Chats_and_Forums/


Don't find my other page in ODP


Thank you for your response. I just noticed that MyTrueStory does not come up in searches on Open Directory. Not by title or url. It does appear on Zeal.com. Why is that? Sorry if this question is irritatingly ignorant. Somehow I've had the impression that OPD and Zeal were related. http://mytruestory.port5.com


What pvgool meant was About the Open Directory Project (public server)


Also http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/ contains a wealth of information on the directory, its policies and much more.


ODP search is very temperamental and is not really the same sort of keyword search that you will commonly associate with searching. I believe it is used more by editors that the public and is better used to try and help categories than actual site listings.

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