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Why can I not register my site to Dmoz?

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Hi I have been trying to register my site with dmoz and I keep getting the error message "cannot determine your ip address, caching your previous page"

I dont like keep trying, I heard this would be classed as spamming! the site is www.designamug.co.uk we personalise mugs, but cannot afford to pay for submission as we are a new business.


Any ideas of what I can do?


Thanks Mark.


Thanks Motsa,


Very good of you, just shows how much I know!

Do I have to regulary add again, or will Dmoz keep checking for changes? I was hoping to make it more search friendly


Thanks Mark.

I was just thinking, I did submit it at the end of November when I was in Tenerife, maybe that was when it worked!!
Dmoz is a directory. It doesn't check for updates to your site the way a search engine spider would. Now that you're listed, there's no need for you to submit again. If the nature of your business changes at a future date, then by all means submit an update request but otherwise you're good to go.

Thanks Motsa,


I dont seem to be able to search for my site even when I type my URL into the search!!

Does it take time to register?


Thanks Mark.


If you look in other threads on this forum, you will hopefully realise that the ODP search system has been "broken" for a large number of weeks now (as there has been major problems with generating the "RDF dump" that it relies on). Staff at the ODP are more than aware of the issue and are trying to rectify the situation as quickly as possible (it doesn't help with the RDF dump taking around a week to produce).


Once your site is listed in the ODP directory, it usually shows up in the search system one or two RDF dump updates later (these updates _should_ take place every week, but until the technical problems with database corruption are sorted, the updates have been 'halted').

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