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Website Description concerns

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This is my first post to this category and I hope you all have some help for me.

First, my website is entitled 'Jobs in Therapy' & is listed under http://dmoz.org/Health/Professions/Occupational_Therapist/Employment/

My concern is that my website description on the ODP site is very short and not as decriptive as I would have liked, but it was the only description was eventually accepted. In addition, the description is different from that on search engines such as Google and Inktomi.

Question #1: Can I change the description on my site? And if so, how should I go about doing so?

Question #2: Will changing my site description this soon have a negative effect on the listing?


I am looking forward to some helpful responses.


  • Meta

To have an entry chenged there is an "Update URL" link at the top right of every ODP category. You can submit any changes there.


But be aware, that ODP tries to avoid keyword listings. Its _not_ meant for search engines and its _not_ mainly about what the company does, it should describe what you find on the site.




Just looked at the entry and the site and could imagine that there is more to say about it. Keeping the above in mind - go on and create a better description. :-)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



I have submitted a request to change to description but so far no luck.
My new description has no mention of anything other than Occupational Therapy, which is the category name. Please do not place sarcastic answers here if you have not read my new description. I am just trying to get a clear answer and it is frustrating.

totalxsive was not being sarcastic but was stating a fact -- that your update request was rejected (by another editor, incidentally) because it was deemed that, since your job listings cover more than just occupational therapists, the current description was fine.


[edited to add: Since then, your site has been deemed more appropriate for the Business/Healthcare/Employment category (since it does in fact cover more than just Occupational Therapy) and has been moved there.]

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