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submission status: http://www.freemailguide.com

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I think this was my third submission to DMOZ for listing my site under http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/E-mail/Free/Directories_and_Guides/

What a pity this category doesn't have an editor and a few months ago you told me to wait for a while until the next update... I see now that next update has been done on Thursday, October 3, 2002. So my second attemp was useless:(

That's why I reapplied my site under this category a few days ago but I really wonder what is happening! Could you please be kind and inform me its latest situation and if possible the earlier situations also. How was it rejected being listed under this category?!

Thnx for your forthcoming help pals...


ayhan @ http://www.freemailguide.com


(previous thread)


Your site has not been rejected - it just hasn't been reviewed yet (along with less than 75 other sites).


There is no need to resubmit your site, it will be reviewed by an editor in due course. A category does not need to have a "listed editor" for the entries in it to be reviewed: editors of the "parent categories" and editalls, catmvs and metas can all review those sites - however, we are always on the lookout for new editors (hint hint)...


"Good things come to those who wait" - unfortently, you've just got to wait a little bit longer: sorry!

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