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If I volunteer one day a month at a 'soup kitchen', am I lazy because I don't volunteer for 2 days a month?


If an volunteer editor reviews one site a month for a category, are they lazy because they didn't review two?


Since I have been associated with the project, I've been honored to personally know two editors with very serious, life threatening illnesses. Others who have been around longer know of more.


I guess, if we followed the model that demands more edits per timeframe, we'd have had to cast them out in mid-chemo, because they were too sick to edit.


In doing so, we would have deprived ourselves of their inspirational companionship, and deprived them of the moral support they received from the global editing community.


There is much, much more to ODP that the number of edits. To think otherwise is to think that Habitat for Humanity is all about home construction.


Editing for ODP is like contributing to your public television station or any other charity. Some people send an annual $1000 gift. Someone else pledges $5 a month. Someone else sends $1 when they can afford it. All are valued as contributors. The guy who sends an occasional buck isn't told not to bother. He may not get the canvas bag with the station's logo on it but that's not why most of them send their money anyhow.


Now where did I put that ODP tote bag? :)


I want a ODP tote bag. :p

So, I tried to be a volunteer editor but was recently rejected. I guess I'm average or below average. Where do I go from here? I have SOME time to help out but do not want to be discouraged by resubmitting an editors application 8 times. Any suggestions?


Never, NEVER let the rejection get you discouraged. I applied at least 4 times over a two year span before I was accepted. Even as editors, we have to apply for any new categories we want to edit in. The application process is a never ending deal - and neither are rejections.


The biggest mistake a potential editor makes is seeing the "Voluteer to edit this category" on a directory page and clicking on it. It may only look like there are a few (even under 50) sites in the category, but if you check further down the hieracy, there are really thousands under the category. For example: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Recreation_and_Sports/ only has maybe 30 at this level, but with the subcats below it (which if you were an editor at this level you could edit) there an lots and lots. It is very unlikely that a new editor would be approved for this category. Better to start out at: http://.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Recreation_and_Sports/Martial_Arts/ and work up from there.


The best thing is to start out small, a subcategory at the tail end of the trail with only a few sites. Find some new sites to add in your application and MAKE SURE they are not listed elsewhere in the directory.


The three major (IMHO) reasons for rejection are:


1. Category is too large for a novice editor - use the KISS theory - Keep It Somewhat Small. (or something like that)


2. Sites being added are either listed in the directory or are not relevant to the category applying for.


3. Read, read, read the ODP guidlines for submission, READ and understand what is being looked for in the url (not deeplinked, not affiliate linked, etc.), the title, and that the description is concise, accurate, and to the point. Also make sure the site that is being submitted does not have outdated information, dead links, under construction pages, and is UNIQUE in content. ODP does not want a lot of sites with the same old information. A few sites with unique information is much more important then a lot of sites with cookie cutter clutter. CHECK YOUR SPELLING AND GRAMMER!!!


Don't get discouraged. It is well worth the time (and sometimes a little frustration) to be an ODP editor.

Where do I go from here? I have SOME time to help out but do not want to be discouraged by resubmitting an editors application 8 times. Any suggestions?


Pick a category, any category (preferably with a language that you speak :) ).


Go to the public side of the directory and start clicking links.


Does the link work? If not, report it here.


Does the link redirect to someplace else? If so, report it.


Has the URL been hijacked? If so, report it.


Does the content match (or even come close) to the description, or has the webmaster changed content? (Case in point, I looked at a site yesterday that belonged to a glass etching company, but the owner had switched to a picture framing business). If so, tell us.


Does the description contain any typos? If so, let us know.


If you are looking in Regional (please!!!!!) click through the site and find the business address. Are they still in the locality where they are listed? If not, let us know.


None of these require a long-term commitment, nor even a commitment of very much time. You will be helping us out, you will be helping fellow surfers and maybe, just maybe, you'll drive a favorable enough impression that you might be asked to apply to a specific category.


Look, for example at

this posting, or at the postings by this member, before becoming an editor


I look forward to seeing your contributions.

Pick a category, any category (preferably with a language that you speak :) ).

Go to the public side of the directory and start clicking links.


OK, thanks. Didn't take long to find one to report today in a larger related cat I applied for. :)


1. Category is too large for a novice editor - use the KISS theory - Keep It Somewhat Small. (or something like that)


Thanks for the encouragements and input.


My father-in-law always said it different - Keep It Simple Stupid :D


Although his may be more appropriate, I like yours better.

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