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Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.com

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About 5 months ago i added http://www.escortspalace.com to this cat: http://dmoz.org/Adult/Regional/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts/Female/


for some reason i think it never made it. so about 1 month ago i submitted to this cat: http://dmoz.org/Adult/Regional/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts/


Can a editor let me know if that was a mistake. i still don't know if the site is in review or rejected. I do know for sure that it was not accepted at this moment. thank very much.

I don't edit in this category but looking at your site I can see several navigational problems, like the home button on the Canada page wants to take go to your, meaning your name NP, My Documents folder. I seriously doubt you will ever get listed unless you fix everything like that.
Thanks for looking at my site. i was doing some updates, but all of those errors are now fixed. i update this site everyday. i'll be more carefull next time. Anything else you might think of that will prevent me from getting listed in DMOZ? also are their many other websites in this cat waiting to be reviewed?
  • 2 weeks later...
This cat was updated on january 5th and my site was not on that update. it may seem that i'm a little unpatient, but i have been trying to get listed since last september. any updates? thank you

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


Your site is still in the queue. It was reviewed a few days ago, but not listed due to the problem described by beebware. Please make sure your site and the navigation are fully functional.

  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


can i get an update about this website. this cat was last updated january 28 and my site was not in the update. thank you everybody. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest griego

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


can i get an update. this cat was last updated January 28th. an editor looked at my site around February. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest griego

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


Thank you everyone for checking up on our website. It finally got listed, but i think i got listed in the wrong subcategory. I applied for http://dmoz.org/Adult/Regional/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts/ but instead i got listed in http://dmoz.org/Adult/Regional/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts/Female/ it is still all good, but i would have preferred to be listed in the second one. reason is because the second CAT has a better Pagerank and less Navigation to get to my site. any advice to have my category changed or should i just leave it the way it is. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


<img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />


Your reasons for saying that the site has been listed in the 'wrong category' are poor, I'm afraid. Improving your page ranking, or improving navigation to your site are bad reasons for us to put sites in the wrong category.


Unless you have a compelling argument, and think that your site has been wrongly categorised for reasons other than the ones you've given I see no reason to move it. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Guest griego

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


thanks Jezebel for responding. i guess you are right. i'm just going to leave the issue alone. thanks everybody. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Guest rfgdxm

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


Hmm...I wasn't even aware that we had a category like this at the ODP. Interesting. Not that I mean to object, as this would be unwise for the editor of the wholesome family category Recreation/Drugs to do. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


Believe me, once you've edited Adult/ for a while - you kinda lose the "shockability" you once had - i.e. from "What sort of sick deranged person does/likes _that_?" to "Groan. Not yet another amputee midget transexual being f---ked by two men whilst peforming oral sex on a horse - why can't they come up with something original?" (I *wish* I was joking!)

Guest rfgdxm

Re: Site status check. http://www.escortspalace.co


Looking over the some of the sites listed in beebware, this doesn't surprise me. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> For those unaware, the ODP does have a cat called Shopping/Recreation/Drugs, where you can find sites selling cannabis, peyote and magic mushrooms. These are legal in some parts of the world. Even in the US, while peyote is illegal, San Pedro catus which contains mescaline is quite legal, and you can find sellers of that in the ODP. Extracting the mescaline isn't so legal, but that isn't the sellers problem. Since prostitution is legal in some parts of the world, then of course there would be escort services websites. Hmm...I see that Shopping/Recreation/Drugs has 360 listed sites, and a whopping 355 greens at the moment. It's times like this I'm glad I am not an editall, as if I were then I'd feel the need to do something about that. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Recreation/Drugs has just a small handful of greens, and the only reason they exist is I'm hoping that the editors of a couple child cats who haven't logged in for a while will do so and take care of them.

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